"What's the matter with you, master?" A beautiful woman beside Prime Minister Mu is rubbing his temple with her hand, and she sees him frowning and questioning.

He reached out his hand and pulled the hand off his head: "Muchen and muxue don't know what happened. They came back together with the master of tongbaozhai. All the way there was the effective king Qi."

When the woman's hand froze, she was worried: "what do they want to do?"

Because Mu Chen and Mu Xue didn't spend the new year at home, the man was very angry with them. He said he would teach them a lesson when they came back. Who knows that something like this happened.

"I don't know. What's the matter? I'll know when it comes."


Five days later, Ning Mengyao and his party arrived at the capital of Fengguo. When they arrived, fengshuo, the prince of Fengguo, was at the door.

Seeing Feng Shuo, Ning Mengyao blinked: "brother Nuo ran."

"Come on, let's go. Father has been waiting for you for a long time." After receiving the news, he was ordered by his father to entertain them.

"Again." Xiao Qitian smiles at fengshuo.

"Well, the place is ready, please."

When Prime Minister Mu knew that when they came back, he thought they would go back to the prime minister's house to have a look. Who knows that he went to the palace with his prince? This made Prime Minister Mu look very ugly, but it also worried him. What was it that made them so anxious.

"I have seen the emperor." As the prince of Xiao Kingdom, Xiao Qitian just stooped to salute the wind emperor.

"King Qi Duoli."

"I'm afraid the emperor has understood the reason why I came here? This is the letter that my brother asked me to give to the emperor. "

The wind emperor took over and looked up. After watching, his eyes fell on Mu Xue.

"Xiao Guo's meaning is clear." Emperor Feng had planned to marry Xiao, but there was no princess of the right age there, and there was no princess of the right age here, so he dragged.

I didn't expect that they came here this time, bringing him such a big surprise.

Qi Wang wants to marry the prime minister's daughter, while Xiao's county mainly marries the prime minister's son.

"Emperor, I have a business that I want to do with other countries. I don't know if the emperor is interested in it." After they have finished the matter, Ning Mengyao starts to talk.

"This is the master of tongbaozhai? It's better to meet than to be famous. " The wind emperor opened his mouth with a smile.

He did not expect that a little girl should be able to do such a big thing and have such a large industry.


"I don't know how you want to cooperate?"

"I have some affectation with the prince, so I only cooperate with him, and at the same time I have the prime minister."

As soon as emperor Feng heard this, he understood: "yes, you can discuss this matter yourself."

"It's the father (the emperor)."

"Shuo'er and Qi Wang come from afar. They must be tired. Take them to the palace to have a rest, and set up a banquet to entertain Qi Wang this evening."


Feng Shuo takes Xiao Qitian and they go to Xinggong. Feng Shuo reaches out and knocks Ning Mengyao's head: "I'm pregnant and I don't know how to stop. So far away."

"I can't let them be bullied in the morning."

"Come on, can't I protect them?" Feng Shuo looks at Ning Mengyao.

The relationship between him and Muchen is a courtier and a good friend, especially Muchen has been helping him all the time.

"That's almost the same, but I don't want brother Nolan to let them go back to the prime minister's house."

"It's not good not to go back for a few days."

"I knew that brother nuoren had a way, but the cooperation with Chen was secretly good. Those people in the prime minister's office of the province had an idea that they shouldn't have." Ning Mengyao snorted coldly.


Qiao Tianchang took a look at fengshuo and held Ning Mengyao in his arms: "you are not tired after sitting in the carriage for so long?"

"Tired." Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said wrongly.

"Then go to rest."

"But I want to go out."

"Together." Xiao Qitian sees Qiao Tianchang's slippers. Now he opens his mouth.

So they went to the imperial garden together.

In the garden, I met some housekeepers. When Mu Xue saw a girl of thirteen or fourteen, her eyes became cold. That was her sister Mu Yu.

"Ah, it's his royal highness. The little girl has seen his royal highness." When Mu Xue is thinking about whether to leave, Mu Yu rushes towards this side and looks at Feng Shuo with eyes full of obsession. The appearance of Hua Chi makes Mu Xue feel embarrassed and lose her hair.