Muchen looks at Xiao Qitian stupidly. He seems to ignore the problem.

Yu Feng burst out laughing and clapped Mu Chen on the shoulder: "good luck to you."

When Muchen's forehead was dark, he put out his hand and threw away the salty piggy man on his shoulder: "be careful. I remember that some time ago, a woman recommended herself to you. I don't know what expression Ruolin would have if she heard it."

This is a very light saying, like talking to oneself, but it happened to be heard by Yufeng. Yufeng's expression cracked: "if you dare to tell Ruolin in Muchen, I will abandon you."

"You're angry?"

Xiao Qitian looks at the two people who left noisily with black lines in his head. He looks at the bottle in his hand and gets out of the way. When the bottle lands, it explodes with a bang.

This small explosion did not hurt Xiao Qitian, but made him in a mess.

The clothes and hair are messy, and the face is black. These two guys, is that the purpose?

Xiao Qitian took a deep breath, put down the fire in his heart, and turned back to the house.

It happened that Mu Xue saw Xiao Qitian like this. He couldn't help it for a moment. He laughed.

I can't blame her, but Xiao Qitian is so funny.

Xiao Qitian went to the bedside with a black face, reached out and hugged Mu Xue. Her face lingered on her face, and soon Mu Xue's face was also black: "it's called sharing weal and woe, walking and washing together." Mandarin duck bath or something, in fact, is very loving.

Mu Xue lets Xiao Qitian carry her, but soon blushes: "you I... " I can't speak clearly.

Xiao Qitian looked at her pink cheek, lowered his head and bit it lightly: "it's like a red apple."

Not far from the cave, Yufeng and Yufeng heard the explosion, and they couldn't help laughing. This kid deserves to throw away the bottle? Think they don't know or what.

There was no old man in the house. The next day, it was already bright. After bathing in snow, she got up. When she opened her eyes, she saw Xiao Qitian holding her head on one hand and looking at her. It was a little shy.

"You What are you doing watching me like this? "

"Why is my daughter-in-law so beautiful?" Say to bow head kissed the forehead that bathes snow.

He now seems to understand why Joe Tianchang has changed so much since he got married.

It's really intolerable to be with a woman you like and watch her wake up in your arms.

Although already had skin's close, Mu snow still some embarrassed, reached out to push Xiao Qitian: "quickly up."

Xiao Qitian stretched out his hand and pulled Mu Xue's hand to his hand, put it to his mouth and chewed it gently: "it's OK. Brother Huang said that you don't need to go to the palace today, and you can go tomorrow."

"Grandpa, they..."

"Grandpa, I've asked people to take them out for fun, and they're on the side of Muchen. Don't worry, so we can have a good rest today."

Two people lie on the bed, chatting quietly.

In the general's mansion, Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang: "did the emperor really agree?"

"Well, after these two days, we can leave after seeing them off." Qiao Tianchang knew that his daughter-in-law would be happy, but he was very satisfied to see him so happy.

"I've got something for you," he said, looking down and kissing him on the cheek

"What is it?" Ningmengyao asked curiously.

"You'll know when you get back, not now." Joe Tianchang shook his head in a confidential manner.

White xiaoqitian a look, this guy does not tell himself not to say it at this time, so hanging his appetite really good?

Qiao Tianchang reached out and touched Ning Mengyao's cheek: "you will like it."

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with a crooked head. Seeing that he really didn't tell him his plan, he doesn't open his mouth to continue asking. It's only two or three days.

Lin Taifu and others, accompanied by Yufeng, strolled around the capital. The men and women were separated. The women were all led by situ Xuan to look at jewelry and clothes. The men just looked at them casually and then went to have tea and chat.

Three days later, Lin Taifu and the others sent by Xiao Qifeng and Muchen sent them home. During the three days, they also discussed with Xiao Qifeng. Half a year later, Muchen and Yufeng got married.