However, it was those small and fragmentary things that gave Jiang Quan unlimited business opportunities. After doing so for such a long time, none of the people in the workshop didn't like it, that is, the people in the factory and the children of each family also had one or two small toys, which were made for their children after the workers went back to work.

When Joe Tianchang entered, he was stopped. The other side saw that he was the one who released: "general, you are back."

"Well, are you still used to it?" The keeper is Qiao Tianchang's subordinates.

"Very well, the child has gone to school in the nearby private school, and my daughter-in-law works in the workshop, where food and accommodation are all convenient." There are all kinds of things in it. There are residential areas, grocery stores specializing in selling things, dishes and so on. These are all those comrades who can't go to the workshop to work.

They buy vegetables from the outside farm, or they buy one or two acres of land beside the workshop, plant vegetables, raise livestock, and then sell them when they grow up. There are many people in the workshop, and they can earn a lot of money in a month, so everyone's life is getting better.

Qiao Tianchang listened to that, but he was relieved: "since then, I am relieved."

"I'll go in and have a look."


The first place Qiao Tianchang went to was the place where he worked. Everyone was busy and no one was cheating.

After standing at the door for a while, Qiao Tianchang went to the warehouse again, and saw that all the goods in the warehouse were classified and put, and all the goods in any place were marked.

After a round trip around, Qiao Tianchang was relieved to find that they were really well cleaned up.

When she left the workshop, it was dark. When she went back, Ning Mengyao woke up and sat on the rocking chair outside to sew the children's clothes.

Looking at the clothes in her hand, Qiao Tianchang was helpless: "haven't you done a lot? Why are you doing it again. "

"I'm ok, too. What I've done before is just for birth, and I need to make it bigger." She has decided that she will make the clothes for her children in the future.

Qiao Tianchang's heart was sour: "what about mine? You forget me when you have a son? "

"Are you still jealous of your children?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with a funny smile on her face.

"It used to be my welfare." Indeed, since the engagement, his clothes are all made by ningmengyao, who never pretends to be others' hands. Even if ningmengyao doesn't make his own clothes, he will never forget him.

Now it's better to do so much for the child, but without him, can he not be sour?

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang in tears and smiles, reaches out and pinches his face: "you, in the room, go to see it by yourself."

How could she not prepare for Qiao Tianchang? She also designed a series, that is, parents and children's clothes, which should be liked by some people.

Think of this, the smile on Ning Mengyao's face is more obvious.

Qiao Tianchang is satisfied immediately. He looks up and kisses Ning Mengyao on his face. He stands up and strides away. The monkey is in a hurry, which makes Ning Mengyao helpless.

Qiao Tianchang went back to the room, opened the closet beside the wall, and found that there were several new clothes hanging in it, and his shoes were still in the lattice below.

Looking at the clothes and shoes, Qiao Tianchang was in a good mood. He closed the closet door, and then went downstairs to sit beside Ning Mengyao and talk with her.

Just came back today, they didn't plan to go out to visit.

The next morning, Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang went out with many presents.

Yang Zhu's home is the first place to go.

"Poplar, aunt Yang, what are you doing?"

Yang turned around and saw that Ning Mengyao was back with a surprise on his face: "ah, Mengyao is back? Are you about to give birth? "

"Two months to go." Ningmengyao reached out to touch her stomach, with a maternal smile on her face.

Yang nodded. "Sit down."

Ningmengyao sat down and looked around, and found that the house had been rebuilt, which was also two floors, but it was probably only an attic.

"What about brother Yang and them?"

"They both went to work in the workshop. Zhier went to school in the workshop."