Every time, in addition to taking food, he would not come back, and would fight and kick himself back, as if he were his enemy. All this was caused by ningmengyao, a bitch.

But this woman is now living so well, look at her dress, and then look at their own dress, Roche heart hate can not.

She went to the workshop to find something to do, but people said that she once had the background of stealing, so she could not work in the workshop. This made Roche angry. Why can't she go?

"I hurt her? If it wasn't for her mind to be unfaithful and collude with people who shouldn't be colluded with, she would be abandoned. Would Yang Xiuer die? No, if you raise your father or not, you will teach her today. " She doesn't like Yang Xiuer very much.

Originally, she didn't want to target anyone when recruiting workers. Even if there was a mistake, just change it. But Roche is different. It's said that on the first day when Roche entered the workshop, he secretly took the sauce made in it home. Such a move annoyed uncle Jiang, so that he drove people out.

"Well, that doesn't count. Why don't you let me do the work? You mean it, don't you? " As long as she can work in the workshop, she is not afraid that the dead man will not come back.

Ning Mengyao sneered: "if I remember correctly, uncle Jiang gave you a chance, but the first afternoon you went home, you secretly took the sauce back. Am I right?" His hands and feet are not clean, but to her in front of the noisy, also do not despise humiliation.

As soon as Luo's face changed, she thought Ning Mengyao must not know about it, but she didn't expect that the steward told Ning Mengyao all about it, so she couldn't go.

"It's not that you didn't get the chance, it's just that you didn't treasure it."

"What do you say to such an old woman who doesn't have clean hands and feet? Let's go back. You should be tired after such a long walk. " Qiao Tianchang frowned. I've been away for a long time. I can't stand it.

In the past, her feet were sore in less than half an hour. Today she has been out for more than half an hour. She can't stand it.

Ningmengyao also felt some discomfort on her body. Looking at Qiao Tianchang, she nodded, "let's go back."

Looking at the two people walking in front of him, Roche was scolded by the two young people. As soon as his forehead was hot, he pushed his hand heavily towards Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao stumbled, but Qiao Tianchang held him up, or he would fall.

Turning his head and looking at Roche with bloodthirsty eyes, he made a quick move, put his hand on Roche's hand and said coldly, "I will discard your hand if you push it." With a heavy twist, Roche screamed.

"Joe Tianchang, you let me go. You hurt me. You have to pay me money." Roche endured the pain from his arm and said angrily that he could not be hurt by others without paying money.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Roche and smiled: "want silver? There is no silver, but I can let you get together with your daughter for free and enjoy what she used to enjoy. There should be a place in the county government's prison. " Joe Tianchang said irrelevant.

When Roche heard this, she trembled. Her daughter didn't exist in the prison. She didn't dare to try.

Holding the painful arm, Roche stumbled home. After entering, he put the door in. It seemed that he was afraid of Qiao Tianchang chasing in.

Sneer, think this is over? Roche's hand, don't think about it.

Sure enough, Roche went to see a doctor to cure her hand that day, but all the doctors said that her hand was no longer saved. In the future, most of her hands will become disabled. For Roche, the news was a thunderbolt from the sky. She couldn't believe it.

"No way. How could my hand be broken?" Roche yelled at the doctor. Her hand was broken. Isn't that man more reason to let himself go?

Think of this, Roche's body a cold, she can't calculate.

Go to find Qiao Tianchang.