A matchmaker came to propose a marriage to Yang Lele. He was still the posterity who had a good relationship with Qiao Tianchang. All the people who had once said a lot of gossip shut up, but they were a little jealous.

When Ryan and his matchmaker came with the gift, some people in the village got the red eye disease.

Look at the things in their hands. They are all good things. They haven't seen cloth before. Dim sum is also the best dim sum shop in the county. The wine is made by ningmengyao. It's said that it's very expensive.

Besides, there are a lot of gold and silver jewelry. I haven't seen that pattern very much.

These things are enough to make people blush. Unexpectedly, Ryan took out two hundred Liang as a gift.

The betrothal gift is the betrothal gift. Now Ryan has given such a large gift. How can they give it then?

"How can I give you so many things now?" Some people began to complain in a low voice.

And Leian is light to say: "how you want to give that is your thing." Don't think he didn't know these people and said bad things about Yang Lele.

Yang Yi and their family are at home today. They are helpless when they see such a gift: "come in quickly."

Later, the people brought in the things. Yang Zhu also said, invite them to come and have a drink tomorrow, and then it's gone. But his heart is sour. He thinks that Yang Lele really doesn't know where the good luck comes from, and even gets such a man. It's amazing that he doesn't know what to do.

On the second day, Yang Zhu's family invited all the villagers to come. Naturally, Ning Mengyao and his wife also came. Ning Mengyao gave Yang Lele a set of facial masks, which was to add makeup to her in advance.

On the day of the treat, the people who came to eat the table didn't know what words to describe them when they saw the dishes on the table.

Two months later, Yang Lele was determined to embroider the wedding clothes at home. As for the dowry, Yang was preparing. She knew that some people were watching their jokes, but those people didn't know. Now their family is rich. Every month, Yang Lele can get back hundreds of liang of silver, sometimes more.

As for lei'an, it's natural that she is busy building houses. Ning Mengyao doesn't pay attention to the busyness on both sides, so she lets them toss and turn themselves around, so that she can keep the baby at ease.

Now her stomach has been eight months, and the child is very noisy every day, especially at night, sometimes he can't sleep all night. At that time, Qiao Tianchang will lean on her stomach and talk to the child in a low voice. At that time, the child will give face a little longer, but only for a while.

That is to say, Ning Mengyao's sleep now is totally day and night reversed. She can't sleep in the daytime and at night.

When the child was nine months old, Qiao Tianchang was going to find a midwife, but mother-in-law Qin said she would, but she didn't find her. She also said she would, and Qiao Tianchang was relieved.

On that day, Qiao Tianchang was carefully supporting Ning Mengyao for a walk in the garden. At first, it was OK. Later, Ning Mengyao's expression changed. It was ugly: "Tianchang's stomach hurts."

Qiao Tianchang immediately panicked: "is it going to have a baby?"

Ning Mengyao nodded softly: "well."

"I'll take you back."

"No, you can walk me back." Ningmengyao stops Qiao Tianchang. She still insists on walking back, which is helpful to production.

Qiao Tianchang was worried, but seeing Ning Mengyao's insistence, it was her temperament that helped people walk back slowly.

"My mother-in-law Yaoyao is going to give birth. What should I prepare?" When Qiao Tianchang saw mother-in-law Qin, she quickly opened her mouth.

Grandma Qin stopped and immediately said, "go to the kitchen and boil some water, and then make some food. Please help the young lady in." Mother-in-law Qin had a careless command.

After Qiao Tianchang helped Ning Mengyao to the production room, he went out and said that it was for Ning Mengyao to eat.

Ningmengyao endured the pain. She used to hear how painful it was for a woman to have a baby. She didn't believe it at all. She thought that those people were exaggerating, but now it seems that they are not. That kind of pain is driving people crazy.

"My mother-in-law hurts." Ning Mengyao couldn't help it, sobbing.