At last, the little bun couldn't stand it. He yawned and closed his eyes.

The lovely appearance of his son softened Qiao Tianchang's heart, bowed his head and kissed him on the cheek, then put him in the bed, sleeping with Ning Mengyao.

"You hold the baby. I'll take Yaoyao to the room beside you." If she woke up, she would not like to be in this room, so bloody.

"Good." Qiao Tianchang takes ningmengyao even to the house beside him. Yang Lele and his wife feel relieved when they see ningmengyao sleeping.

When the baby was born, Qiao Tianchang naturally wanted to congratulate those people, so one after another news came out.

After getting the news, Xiao Qitian and his wife immediately went here with good things. Nangong Yan learned that he had a grandson, and even brought a lot of good things in the Regent's palace. They called the housekeeper to drive here. They also came to meiruolin and his wife, as well as Muchen and situshuan.

When Ning Mengyao woke up, she felt a little bit hurt, but it was a lot easier. When she turned her head, she saw a cute little bun, but the skin was red and wrinkled: "just like a little monkey." Ning Mengyao whispered.

When Qiao Tianchang came in with the soup, he saw that Ning Mengyao was awake: "Yaoyao, are you awake? Come and have some soup. "

"Tianchang, let's call him a little monkey. He's red and wrinkled, just like a little monkey." Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said earnestly.

However, Joe Tianchang has a dark face. His son is so cute. How can he be a little monkey?

"No, how lovely our son is, not a little monkey." Qiao Tianchang said with a frown.

"No matter, I'll call him little monkey." Ningmengyao is determined to scream like that.

Qiao Tianchang can't help pinching Ning Mengyao's face to show his punishment: "come and drink some soup."

After two drinks, ningmengyao said bitterly, "why does Tianchang have no taste at all?"

Reaching out and touching Ning Mengyao's cheek, Qiao Tianchang said with a smile, "my mother-in-law said that you can't eat anything with too heavy taste in the moon. You can only get the moon, good girl."

Ningmengyao is speechless, but there is no way, only to drink the tasteless soup.

After drinking the soup, the child is OK. His eyes are not angry.

Seeing his son's clever appearance, Ning Mengyao's heart was soft, and he reached out to pick up the man: "little monkey."

"The child's name is Jomo Shang." Joe opened his mouth.

"Well, that's what we said before."

Qiao Tianchang sits beside Ning Mengyao and looks at the child in her arms. At this time, the child suddenly flattens his mouth, which seems to be very uncomfortable.

"What happened to him?" As soon as Qiao Tianchang saw his son flattening his mouth, he was not calm.

"Maybe it's urine."

"Let me see." Qiao Tianchang holds the child to the bed, opens the quilt, isn't it just urine?

Bring hot water to wipe the baby, and change into clean diapers, which will pack him up and put him in Ning Mengyao's arms.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang in surprise: "how can you change it?" There are also models and patterns, if you ignore that some rigid action.

"I think that's what grandma did." Joe Tianchang touched his nose: "you're still sitting on the moon. I'll take the baby with me."


After a while, the child cried again. It seems that he was a little hungry.

Ning Mengyao holds the child in her arms, unbuttons her clothes and feeds the child. Qiao Tianchang is beside her. She is a little embarrassed.

At the beginning of the child may not be able to eat, some grievances, slowly this just smash bar smash eat nonstop.

Qiao Tianchang looked at it. He thought it was sour. A man even ate it in his own woman's arms. It was too much.

Fortunately, Ning Mengyao didn't know what Qiao Tianchang was thinking, or he would have to slap people out.

It wasn't long before the child was full. Ning Mengyao wiped his mouth with a piece of cotton cloth, and then put him in bed.

The next afternoon, Xiao Qitian and Qiao Tianchang came and began to bombard: "is it a boy or a girl?"