Xiao Qitian felt his chin, a look that I was very embarrassed.

Yang Suyun is really scared this time. These people in front of him are just demons. He knew that he would be obedient.

With the relationship between Yang Lele and the master of the family, it's not impossible for her to follow her. Why rush to this moment.

Thinking of this place, Yang Suyun is deeply regretted.

When Yang Suyun regrets, Xiao Qitian squints at her, as if thinking about something.

"It was these eyes that seduced Tianchang, right? Then dig out these eyes. " Xiao Qitian said lightly.

Qingshuang nodded: "it's just that I lack a pair of eyes here to do the experiment."

"I'll dig for you." The voice of Nanyu came from inside.

Xiao Qitian shook his head speechless: "it's also a monogamous slave."

"Aren't you?" Mu Xue picks her eyebrows and looks at Xiao Qitian.

Xiao Qitian feels his nose and staggers his sight. Well, in fact, he is also a wife slave.

If Yang Suyun was just afraid, now she is really afraid. This man makes her feel terrible and scary.

"I know it's wrong. I can't dare any more. I'll leave right away." Yang Suyun got up from the ground and wanted to run.

Qingshuang sneers: "did we let you go?"

Yang Suyun is frightened to find that he can't move. He doesn't dare to think whether these people in front of him did it.

Several people came to Yang Suyun.

To tell you the truth, this woman is very beautiful, but her mind is not simple. If she just does it unintentionally, then they don't say anything. I don't know why.

But she knew that she still did it. She not only did it, but also went to seduce their uncle in front of so many people. Isn't that to get rid of it?

Yang Suyun wants to shake his head, but he can't even move his head. He can only look at them anxiously.

"What if you knew you were wrong?"

Qingshuang takes the pill and walks towards Yang Suyun step by step. Yang Suyun's eyes are full of fear.

When Qingshuang approached her, she unexpectedly Passed out.

Looking at the man on the ground, Qingshuang threw the pill in his hand into his mouth: "I'm so timid that I even come to learn how to seduce others."

"Don't let people get in the way here, throw away and save your eyes." Xiao Qitian gives an order and turns around with Mu Xue.

Qingshuang takes people to the foot of the mountain and throws them under a small sapling. Then she turns around and leaves. As for when she will wake up, she doesn't know.

In Chuang Tzu, Yang Zhu and his family apologized to Nangong Yan for their embarrassment. Yang's heart was even more regretful that they promised his brother to help Yang Suyun find something to do. Now it's over.

Yang's sincere apology and Ning Mengyao's agreement made Nangong Yan less angry, and the full moon feast naturally continued.

Of course, this little episode can't disturb their good mood. Everyone is very happy and busy.

The help of help, chat, in a word, is not too happy.

The noodles of the full moon banquet are unknown to all. Looking at those beautiful and exquisite dishes, the villagers in Baishan village are reluctant to eat them.

We had enough to eat and drink. After we had a good time, we went back.

Yang's family finally left. When they left, they kept apologizing to Ning Mengyao, especially Yang Lele.

"Yao Yao is really sorry. It's all my fault." If she is a little vigilant, she won't let that woman of Yang Suyun come in secretly.

Ning Mengyao smiled and shook his head: "it's none of your business. You didn't bring people. The little monkey lives well."

Although he was not happy, Ning Mengyao didn't think that because Yang Suyun came here in a filial suit, he could really make his own home and live like a child.

However, Ning Mengyao's words are great.

That night, the child who was very easy to take changed to cry very much. Even if he fell asleep, his body would shake constantly.

It's only half an hour before I wake up from crying.

This makes Qiao Tianchang and his wife worried.

Fortunately, mother-in-law Qin knows a lot. She takes a bowl and comes in with three chopsticks. She puts the chopsticks into the bowl filled with water. Three times, all three chopsticks stand straight.