Cheng was worried, but he nodded his head as soon as he thought that Yang Lele was different now and then, and he was not ordinary.

As soon as Yang Suyun saw that they had come, he was angry. These people came to meddle. If they didn't come, they would compromise for a while. The more he thought about it, the more angry Yang Suyun was, and the worse he looked at Yang Yuele's expression.

Yang Lele moved a chair to Yang Suyun's face, stood up, untied the white silk on it, and then made a dead knot.

"What do you want to do?" Yang Suyun has a bad feeling in his heart.

Yang Lele sneered and said, "don't you really want to die? Every day, they threaten their uncles and aunts. They also worry about their grandparents. If you want to die now, you should hang immediately. If you want to hang, I will help you. " Yang Lele looks at Yang Suyun coldly.

Yang Suyun wanted to blackmail his parents, but he didn't want to die.

As soon as Cheng wanted to speak, he was stopped by Yang on the edge. Yang shook her head, which meant that Cheng would not speak.

Yang's father and wife are also indifferent. They look down and ignore Yang Suyun's eyes.

Yang Lele blocked the realization of Yang Suyun and said in a cold voice: "don't you want to die? I'll make it up to you now, but you'll die to show us? What do you think uncle and uncle are doing? "

"Yang Lele is our family's business. What does it have to do with you?"

"A good home, because you're like this, and you want to marry Tianchang with your identity? Do you think you're beautiful? " Even she can't see Yang Suyun, let alone Qiao Tianchang, who is used to all kinds of women.

Yang Suyun's defamatory face was blue and white, and his expression was rather ugly: "you just can't see that I have a good marriage."

Yang Lele looked at Yang Suyun sarcastically: "good marriage? Don't lose your life then. "


Yang Lele impatiently interrupts Yang Suyun's words, saying: "Yang Suyun, if you want to die, just roll down. If we hear you threaten them, I will let you die."

Old Yang looked at Yang Suyun and said in disappointment, "Suyun girl, if you continue to do this, you will not be able to live in your family. You'd better go to another place."

"Yes, a good home, you've made a mess of it." The old lady looked at her granddaughter helplessly.

At first, she also loved that her granddaughter was widowed when she was young, but what she had done since her granddaughter came back made them feel cold.

After going home, I dislike the things at home. I look at people with eyes hanging, as if they owe her.

In front of others is a soft weak look, who knows now is more excessive, even into this look.

Yang Suyun looked at the two old men with a pale face: "because Yang Lele's words, you treat me like this?"

Mr. Yang glanced at Yang Suyun and shook his head disappointedly: "think about what you have done recently, and then blame others for their mistakes."

Yang Suyun bowed his head and didn't speak. Yang Lele looked at Yang's brothers and said, "in the future, if she wants to make trouble with you, she will let her make trouble. The more you pay attention to her, the more she takes herself seriously. If you want to commit suicide, you will stand and watch to see if she is really hanged."

Big brother Yang nodded: "we know."

Yang Suyun is biting his teeth. In this way, his mind is in vain. He just looks at his parents and seems to be powerless. Otherwise, how can he agree to Yang Lele's request?

Yang Lele also told Cheng family about some things, especially the noble status of Ning Mengyao's father, which made Cheng family feel a little scared.

Looking at the Yang Lele family who left, Cheng's body was still shivering: "I'd better take a good look at Suyun in the future."

Just now, Yang Lele told them that if Ning Mengyao's father was really angry, even if he killed Yang Suyun, no one would dare to say anything.