Step by step, Yang Suyun walked towards him. He was frightened and watched Qiao Tianchang warily: "you What do you want to do? "

Qiao Tianchang glanced at Yang Suyun and said indifferently, "don't step into Baishan village again from now on, and this is a lesson for you." He said that his hands had been clasped on Yang Suyun's chin. With a strong hand, Yang Suyun's chin was removed by Qiao Tianchang.

"Ah Ah... " Yang Suyun screams out in pain. Qiao Tianchang's eyes are full of fear. This man is so terrible.

She used to want to be with this man. Now think about it. She's really crazy. She wants to be with this kind of man.

Now Yang Suyun's intestines are really green, but what's the way?

Yang Suyun comes to Ning Mengyao, pointing to her chin and looking at her with imploring eyes.

Ning Mengyao shrugged, saying that she could do nothing.

"I'm really sorry. I won't pay attention to anyone Tianchang wants to teach. Let's go back to Tianchang." Originally, I wanted to go to Yang Lele's house to have a look. Who knows that I met this woman? It's really annoying.

Qiao Tianchang looked down at Ning Mengyao's son who had closed his eyes and fell asleep. "Go, Shanger is asleep."

Ning Mengyao looked down and found that the little monkey didn't know when he had closed his eyes and slept soundly.

They turn around with the baby in their arms, but they don't take care of Yang Suyun. Yang Suyun is in a hurry. He quickly gets up from the ground and goes after Qiao Tianchang.

All the way to the gate of Zhuangzi, Yang Lele saw that Yang Suyun came with Ning Mengyao and his eyelids kept jumping.

"What do you want, Yang Suyun?" Yang Lele said angrily.

Yang Suyun pointed to his chin and Qiao Tianchang's pain.

"What do you want to say?" Yang Lele frowns. What is Yang Suyun doing? Is this speechless or something?

Ning Mengyao's explanation of good mood: "her chin was unloaded by Tianchang."

"Why?" Yang Lele was stunned. Her intuition told her that this woman must have done something disgusting again.

Ning Mengyao tells Yang Lele what Yang Suyun said.

Yang Lele's eyelids jumped, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe looking at Yang Suyun. His eyes seemed to be looking at monsters.

How can there be such an idiot?

"I'm curious about Yang Suyun. It's just a misfortune for them to have a daughter like you." If it were someone else, Yang Suyun would have been dead for a long time. She thought that she could keep shouting here? Who are you really?

Yang Suyun points to his chin and looks at Yang Lele imploringly. His eyes are clear. He wants Yang Lele to plead for her and let Ning Mengyao cure her chin.

Yang Lele really doesn't want to see Yang Suyun. Every time she sees her, she feels very sad.

"Yao Yao."

Ning Mengyao nodded and looked at Qiao Tianchang. "Tianchang, please let it go." If something happened to Yang Suyun, Yang Lele would not explain it to her uncle.

Qiao Tianchang groaned coldly, and his body moved. Then everyone heard a click, and Yang Suyun screamed.

"I'm ready? Can I speak? " Yang Suyun can't believe touching his chin. How nice is that? It's amazing.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang, Yang Suyun's eyes are full of fear.

When Yang Lele was about to say something, Yang Suyun got up from the ground and stumbled away. The speed made Yang Lele couldn't help but gasping.

"You two are not poor and ferocious, are you? I'm afraid you'll look like this. " Yang Lele really thought that Yang Suyun must have something wrong with his brain, otherwise he would run so fast.

Ningmengyao is very satisfied: "it's also very good, at least Yang Suyun won't dare to come in the future."

Different from what Ning Mengyao said, Yang Suyun really dare not approach Qiao Tianchang. That man is really terrible, and he is not as beautiful as he looks. She doesn't want to marry such a man until she is beaten down by Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao patted Qiao Tianchang's shoulder contentedly and said seriously, "Tianchang is so good. Keep it up."