Do you want to do this? Of course, if you don't help with such a good thing, you are an idiot.

"I'll go back to discuss with brother Huang at once. I'll come back and give you a reply for three days at most." Xiao Qitian said seriously.


Xiao Qitian rode away quickly.

After he left, Yufeng and they looked at Ning Mengyao, and a trace of helplessness flashed in their eyes: "you'd better do it."

She has always kept one eye open and one eye closed. Ning Mengyao didn't know what the emperor did to the Regent's palace, but at that time it wasn't too much, but now it's not the same.

If the Regent's mansion is not guarded by the loyal subordinates of Nangong Yan, I'm afraid that there is no Regent's mansion in lingguo.

"Well." Ning Mengyao nodded, his eyes turned cold: "he stepped on my bottom line."

"Since you want to do it, we will support you." Yu Feng dotes on Ning Mengyao, with a strong smile in his eyes.

Ning Mengyao was stunned, and then she had a warm smile on her face: "brother in law, thank you."

"Don't be polite to me."

"Xiaoyao'er, it is time for us to leave. Otherwise, we will be guilty of something wrong with the Regent's palace." Yufeng laughs.

Ningmengyao looks at Yufeng's face with a grateful smile. There is no need to say thank you between them.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the feeling between them, saying in his heart that he did not envy, and that he did not envy was false.

After seeing off Yu Feng and his wife, Qiao Tianchang went to lei'an's house next door.

"What's the matter with the boss?" Recently, his life is called a leisurely one. He stays with his daughter-in-law every day. It seems that time will soon pass.

"Get ready. We're going to the border." Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Yang Lele who comes out with fruits.

Yang Lele was shocked and looked at Qiao Tianchang in surprise. "What's the matter with brother Qiao?"

"Well, there are things where Ryan, as a general, has to go to the border." Qiao Tianchang nodded. He married. He knew that it was cruel to let them separate soon after he married.

Ryan was silent for a moment, then nodded, "boss, I know."

"I'll help you pack up." After knowing Lei An's identity, Yang Lele is ready to go back to the border one day. That place is his world. She can't trap people here for her own sake. It's unfair for Lei An, and she will wait for him to come back here.

Ryan nodded. "Lele thank you."

"No thanks, I'll wait here for you to come back." Yang Lele has a smile on his face.

Lei'an looks at Yang Lele and nods, "OK, I'll go to my father-in-law's house with you later to talk about it. Besides, if I'm not at home, you can go to my father-in-law's house."

She's here alone, and he's really upset.

"I know." Yang Lele nodded, but he had some ideas in his heart. This is her home. Naturally, she would stay here and wait for him to come back.

Qiao Tianchang looks at them like this, stands up and leaves. Before leaving, he reaches out his hand and taps lei'an on the shoulder, which means lei'an understands.

After they left, Lei An reached out and hugged Yang Lele: "Lele is really sorry, this is my mission."

As a soldier, his mission is to protect the frontier and not be eroded by people.

"I know. I can understand. Don't worry. I'll tell my parents." Yang Lele reached out and patted Lei an on the shoulder, comforting him in turn.

Seeing Yang Lele like this, Lei An's heart is even worse. If Yang Lele quarrels with him, he may feel more comfortable. But Yang Lele's sense of reason will make her more miserable.

In the afternoon, Lei An and his wife went back to Yang Zhu's house. When Yang Zhu heard about this, they looked at Yang Lele and said, "Lele, did you make trouble with Lei An? It's a big deal. You can't hold Ryan back. "

Although they don't like to let Lei An go, after all, there is no eye for swords on the battlefield. What can their daughter do if something happens?

But Ryan is the material for this. They can't stop people.

"You misunderstood, mom and Dad, but Lele didn't."