Yang Suyun looked at the family and was angry. He knew that it was bad: "Dad, I I just

"Just what? Just can't see other people's children live a good life? It 's just that you can' t be happier than you? " Big brother Yang looked at his daughter calmly.

But that's what makes Yang Suyun afraid.

If big brother Yang is angry or does something to her, she has no other feeling, but big brother Yang looks at her with this kind of calm eyes, she is immediately afraid.

"Dad, I'm not."

"What are you not? Because you heard that Ryan was a military officer and LeLe is now the officer's wife, so you are jealous? Try to block her up, don't you? " Brother Yang really knows her daughter well, and even knows herself better than her.


"Boss, what else do you tell her to do? She is also Lele's first cousin. " Old lady Yang said angrily.

If Lele's child has a long one and a short one, when the child comes back, he is not allowed to be angry at their home.

The eldest brother Yang sighed and looked at Yang Suyun: "Suyun, go where you want to go. Don't come back."

When Yang Suyun did such a shameful thing before, most of Yang didn't want to drive Yang Suyun away.

But these things Yang Suyun did today really disappoint them. These days, they all think that Yang Suyun must have changed back, just like before, but who thought that he should have changed even more.

Yang Suyun clenched his lips and his face was full of unbelievable expressions: "Dad, you want to drive me away for Yang Lele?"

"You've gone too far this time." Brother Yang shook his head in disappointment.

Yang Suyun looked at them sarcastically: "aren't you afraid that Yang Lele would speak ill of ningmengyao because you still use them and Yang Sen is still working in ningmengyao's place, so he didn't let Yang Sen continue to work and let me go? After all, you still care more about Janssen. "

When brother Yang saw that Yang Suyun had arrived at this time, he did not know how to repent, and his last thought disappeared.

She shook her head disappointedly: "my daughter-in-law will give her the ten Liang silver she gave you when she came back, and then let her leave. In the future, she will be regarded as having no such daughter."

Cheng went into their room in silence and took out ten liang of silver and put it in Yang Suyun's hand. Then he went to Yang's side and stood. He didn't say a word to Yang Suyun in the whole process.

Yang Suyun looked at them, unexpectedly so ruthless to treat oneself, suddenly smiled: "I will let you regret."

"Go away."

Yang Suyun went back to his house, packed up a few clothes, and left. When he left, he still didn't look back.

At the moment, Yang Suyun's heart is probably full of hatred for the Yang Lele family and the Yang eldest brother's family.

After seeing people leave, old lady Yang frowned: "I have to go to see Lele girl. The eldest brother is going to prepare something for us." The child is pregnant. They should go and have a look.

Yang nodded: "Mom, I'm going to prepare now."

Cheng looked at Mrs. Yang awkwardly. "Mom, let's go now. Isn't it bad?" After all, just now that something like this happened, they went over and met each other very embarrassed.

Old lady Yang took a look at Cheng: "it's the time to pass."

Old Yang nodded approvingly: "no matter what it is, we can't share it with Lele family for Suyun." That's his daughter. Of course, he's going to be biased.

He used to be in pain with his granddaughter, but now he thinks that the granddaughter has been out of tune since she came back. He dislikes this dislike and that dislike at home. He has scolded the eldest brother many times. Who knows that the eldest brother still hasn't taught the girl a lesson.

Now it's good enough to do such lawless things.

Yang's family went to Yang's house. When they saw Cheng's, Yang's heart was still complicated. Finally, they sighed and let people in.

"My daughter, how about Lele?" Old lady Yang took Yang's hand and asked.
