Lin Zi worried about Lei An and said, "I don't have a daughter-in-law. How can I know?"

As soon as Ryan thought it was the same, he ran out and asked the soldiers with children what they would eat if they were pregnant.

Seeing the appearance of lei'an's two goods, Lin Ziyou can't help his forehead. He really worried that lei'an would sell them by mistake. If so, it would be a big trouble.

Ning Mengyao and them arrived ten days later. By the time they arrived at the border, Lei An had prepared a lot of food for pregnant women and sent it back to Yang Lele. He wrote a letter to Yang Lele to let him not worry. After the border affairs were handled, he would go back immediately.

When Ning Mengyao came to hear Lei An's treatment, he was immediately satisfied.

"With your letter, Lele can feel at ease." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Ryan was not stupid. Naturally, he heard that there was another meaning in this saying: "what do you mean, sister-in-law?"

Ning Mengyao thought about it, or how Yang Lele found out that he was pregnant and told Lei An. After hearing this, Lei An was angry and blamed himself. He should write to her to keep her safe.

"Sister in law, is Lele OK?" Lei An looks at Ning Mengyao worried.

"Don't worry. I'll let Chuang Tzu and the doctor in the workshop check her pulse after a while. Aunt Yang and them are here. It'll be OK." Ning Mengyao looks at Lei An and is satisfied with his expression.

Lei An is relieved, then she bends down to Mengyao: "thank you, sister-in-law."

"Well, Lele has prepared it for you. Let me bring it to you." Then he took out a package and handed it to Ryan.

Ryan opened it and saw that it was clothes and shoes, even the inner clothes.

The hand slightly shakes: "sister-in-law......"

"Come on, I'll do better to her when I go back."

"I know."

Qiao Tianchang looks at lei'an and suddenly says, "don't worry, this war won't last long. You can definitely go back before the baby is born."

Ryan's eyes brightened as soon as he heard it, and he worried that he could not even return to the birth of his child.

"We will go to the other side of lingguo tomorrow. When we get there, I'm afraid the war will begin on both sides. Don't think too much. Only when we win the war can we go back as soon as possible, OK?" Qiao Tianchang is not talking nonsense or comforting Ryan.

Ryan nodded solemnly, and naturally understood Qiao Tianchang's meaning.

"Don't worry, boss. I won't be distracted."

"Well, that's good. Think of the children and Yang Lele." Qiao Tianchang patted Ryan on the shoulder.

If it wasn't for seeing the self blame and loss in Ryan's eyes, he wouldn't have said so much.

He was worried that Ryan would disturb his mind and have an accident on the battlefield.

Lei An purses her lips tightly and is silent. Ning Mengyao looks at him and says, "if you don't want Lele to be widowed or call your child another man's father, put down your self reproach and loss. If you have an accident here, what will Lele become? You know in your heart."

Lei'an has only been away for a few days, but he hasn't reached the border yet. When Yang Lele hears Yang Suyun's words like that, he can faint with anger, even move the vital energy, and see how important lei'an is in her heart.

"I see, sister-in-law." Ryan really blamed himself just now because he was not around when his wife was scolded.

Ning Mengyao gives Lei an a white look: "it's good to really know."

Ryan took a deep breath and put down the negative emotions in his heart: "sister-in-law, I really understand."

Qiao Tianchang reaches out and pats lei'an, takes Ning Mengyao and the child to their resting place.

Looking at the sweet sleeping child on the bed, Ning Mengyao shook her head helplessly: "I didn't expect Lei An to be such a heavy minded person." It affected his mood.

Qiao Tianchang put out his hand to hold Ning Mengyao in his arms, and whispered in her ear, "the energy of his childhood made Lei an eager to have a home, and Yang Lele almost scared him of something wrong." That's why there is such a side.

Ning Mengyao nodded understandably: "it's the same."