Because of this, nangongyue had to work hard for ningmengyao when she was dealing with ningmengyao.

I hope one day I can be completely relieved.

"What is the connection between the Miao area and the mausoleum?" Ningmengyao asked directly without thinking.

Nangong moon was stunned for a moment, and then said, "the king of Miao and he established a cooperative relationship more than ten years ago. It is because of this that there will be Miao people in lingguo."

Ningmengyao understood: "what do they want to do?"

"Unify all countries."

This is what every emperor wants to do, but they can't.

The Emperor Ling is really ridiculous. Do you really think that Miao's side really wants to cooperate with him? As long as the countries are annexed by the state of mausoleum, it will be the death of the state of mausoleum.

The ambition of the king of Miao is even greater than that of the emperor of Ling. How can half of the country fill his stomach?

"It seems that lingguo is just a springboard for the Miao area. Their purpose is for the whole continent." Ning Mengyao frowned and sighed.

"It's true, but there are few people who can see clearly." Qiao Tianchang nodded. The emperor of the mausoleum thought that he had got much cheaper.

Ning Mengyao thought about it and looked at nangongyue. "Go back first."


"Yao Yao, what do you want nangongyue to do for you?" After nangongyue left, Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and asked curiously.

Ning Mengyao blinked and looked at Qiao Tianchang unexpectedly: "do you know again?"

"What do you say?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao with his eyebrows raised. No matter how he looks, his eyes are full of ridicule.

After Qiao Tianchang's eyes were white, Ning Mengyao said, "nangongyue knows more about lingguo than we do. It's better for him to do these things. When he helps Fu Linghuang, we'll kill the emperor merchant in Miao area first." No blame for her ruthlessness. If you want to blame them, they will come to fight their family.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and pinched Ning Mengyao's cheek: "OK, you can do it."

"You have to help." Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang discontentedly.

"Well, just be happy."

If the topic between two people is not too serious, people who don't know think they are showing love.

"Let's go and meet the merchant." Ningmengyao's lips raised a faint smile and dragged Qiao Tianchang out.

Nanyu follows them, feeling the movement of Gu Wang, and gives them directions.

They stand in front of a restaurant, which looks ok. Ning Mengyao turns to look at Nanyu: "are you sure it's here?"

Nanyu nodded: "it's really here." In this place, Gu Wang is the most restless. Not only that, but also very excited. It seems that there is something delicious here.

Ning Mengyao looks at the plaque, then goes in with a playful smile on her face.

"Let's go and see what's good about this place." There are so many people, and they look strange.

A group of people went to the upstairs private room, and the waiter came up from below with a proper smile: "what do you need, sir?"

"Serve all your signature dishes." Joe said in a cold voice.

As soon as little two's eyes brightened, it was obvious that he had met the rich young man.

The waiter went out in a hurry. After a while, the food began to come up.

Looking at the dishes on the table, Nanyu was full of cold in her eyes: "you can't eat these dishes, boss."

"Oh? What's the problem? " When Qiao Tianchang wanted to talk, Ning Mengyao asked in surprise.

Nanyu looked at the food on the table with cold eyes and said in a deep voice, "there is a kind of seasoning in these meals. Although it can improve the taste of the food, it will be addictive for a long time."

Ningmengyao is surprised. Isn't that the same as Poppy?

"How do you know?"

"There are a lot of such seasonings in Miao area, but for the people born in Miao area, it's a big tonic, but for people, it's deadly." Eat more times, will gradually inseparable, as long as a period of time do not eat, will be depressed, as if sick.

If we persist at this time, there may be a good chance. If we continue to eat this kind of food in this situation, then that person will be inseparable for life.