Ningmengyao leaned on Qiao Tianchang's arms and said smilingly, "it's just a servant. What's the qualification to talk to us and let your real boss come out, or I won't blame you for being rude."

She really wants to make a big deal, which is interesting, isn't it?

Luo Fei looks at Ning Mengyao hard, with a light smile on his face: "I am indeed the boss of the restaurant, what does Madame mean?"

"It seems that you want to fight us to the end. Nanyu will tell them why." Ningmengyao takes a look at Nanyu and opens her mouth.

"Magic flower." Nanyu only said three words, and then ningmengyao saw the people across the face changed greatly, and looked at ningmengyao and them coldly.

"Who are you?"

"What? Don't you want your master to come out yet? " Ningmengyao did not put Luo Fei's anger in her eyes at all, but asked lightly.

Rofei looked at the three people in front of him and knew that if he didn't deal with it well today, things would be in trouble.

"Three, please." Roffee took a step back and made a gesture to the three.

Ningmengyao and their leisurely attitude seemed to be that they came to play with Luo Fei.

Luo Fei took people all the way to the fourth floor. He walked to the door of the only room on the fourth floor and gently buttoned the door.

"Come in." There was a deep, magnetic sound coming from inside.

"Is it him?" Ning Mengyao looks at Nanyu and asks.


Qiao Tianchang didn't speak all the time, just protecting Ning Mengyao on the edge. Seeing that someone has found her hand and rubbed her head, "let's go."

Luo Fei stepped in first and said the matter briefly once, which made Ning Mengyao and them go in.

As soon as she went in, Ning Mengyao thought that this man was actually a man with a lot of money.

Look at the things in this room. It's all superior. This room, if it's arranged, will cost at least a million liang of silver. What does a big man do to live in such a luxurious room?

Ningmengyao takes Qiao Tianchang and sits on the chair beside him. Someone brings up two cups of tea, but ningmengyao dare not touch the things here.

"Don't you think you're a disgrace? So stay behind the screen all the time? " Ningmengyao's voice is playful and mocking.


"Go down, roffee."


After roffee went down, the man inside came out from behind the screen.

What kind of a man is that? In two words, it's a monster.

There is no superfluous expression in the beautiful face, a little cinnabar mole in the center of the eyebrow, and the white Royal robe seems to appear for him.

That pair of eyes did not have too much emotion, it can also be said that there was no desire and no demand, which makes ningmengyao a little strange, how can such a person help those people in Miao Jiang.

"Sister in law, the insects in his body..." Nanyu's voice was a little excited. It was obvious that it was a big help to him.

Ning Mengyao saw that the man's body was stiff. Although it was only a small action, she found it.

"It seems that you don't want to stay here that much." Ning Mengyao opens her mouth with a smile.

"What do you want?" The man looked up at the woman in front of him. He was dressed in a beautiful crimson dress. He wore a simple but beautiful bun on his head. There were only two hairpins in the hair.

Ningmengyao likes to talk to such an understanding person: "nothing, just want to make a deal with you."

The man frowned, "why should I trade with you?"

"As you are, it's forced to stay here, isn't it? Don't you want to leave? " Ningmengyao is not angry at all. Instead, she looks at the man in her spare time with a narrow smile on her face.

The man shook his head gently: "it's the same everywhere." At the beginning, he really wanted to leave this place. For him, it was the source of pain, but he got used to it gradually.

Even if he left, he had nowhere to go.

"Not necessarily. The world is so big. Don't you want to go out and have a look?" Ning Mengyao asked with a raised eyebrow.

The action in the man's hand, then shake his head: "no interest."

"Is it? Are you worried about the insects in your body? What if I could help you get that out? " Ning Mengyao looked at the man whose face changed after she said the word Gu Chong, and the smile on her lips gradually expanded.

The man frowned at Ning Mengyao, as if to consider whether what she said was true or not.