And now the attention of those people in Miao is in ningmengyao's side, and they won't notice it at all.

"Yes, I'll be back as soon as possible."


That night, Nanyu speedily returned to the imperial city of lingguo. At the same time, Qiao Tianchang took people with him and released all the people of Xiaoguo. Some of them were left by Qiao Tianchang.

"General We... When can we go back to Xiao? " The rest of them looked at Qiao Tianchang with a little apprehension and a little fear.

Qiao Tianchang looked at them with a mocking smile on his face: "isn't this your home? Where else do you want to go? "

"General, what do you mean?" One of them, with the uneasiness in his heart, watched Qiao Tianchang.

"What do you mean? Since you are from lingguo, what are you doing back to Xiaoguo? " At the beginning, they were worried that the people of the state of Ling would take advantage of this opportunity to mix in, so before saving people, they investigated the information of all the people in it. These people were people of the state of Ling, only pretending to be the people of the state of Xiao, pretending to be arrested, in fact, in order to mix in the state of Xiao.

Several people were stunned and opened their eyes in horror: "general, don't you frame us? We are from the state of Xiao. "

"That's it."

A few people you say a word I a language, that anxious appearance, still really like that thing.

However, Qiao Tianchang laughed: "don't be so quick to refute, look at these." Qiao Tianchang clapped his hands. Someone sent a stack of paper below. Qiao Tianchang gave several of them alone.

At the beginning, several people didn't care about it, but the more they looked at them, the more frightened they were, the more white their faces became.

Qiao Tianchang looked at their expressions in a good mood, and his mouth was slightly hooked: "how can I still need what general Ben said now?"

"You are slander. If you forge such a thing, you just don't want us to go back." One of them said angrily, looking at Joe Tianchang's eyes was like the other party killed their family.

"Then why don't I look for someone else? How many do you have to find? " Other people without problems have been sent back. There are only so many left. Should he find more people even if he is looking for trouble?

"Who knows you." The whispering of a person on the edge, that is, such a voice, will make people feel their grievance.

"Very well, during the time when you were captured by the state of Ling, you have been fanning the flames in the people of the state of Xiao, trying to make them riot, haven't you?"

"We didn't." Several people's faces changed and their eyes twinkled slightly, as if wondering why Qiao Tianchang knew so clearly.

Qiao Tianchang was really disappointed by their performance: "take it with you."

Several people were dragged down, and during that time they also scolded Qiao Tianchang. That look really made people think they were wronged.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the people who had left in the distance, and his tense face finally relaxed. When these people sent them back, he could also rest assured.

"Tell me to go down and do as planned."


When Nanyu returned to the Regent's mansion, Qingshuang had not closed his eyes for several days.

"What happened?" Seeing the tired appearance of Qingshuang, Nanyu is very distressed. How long has it been? How can people feel thin?

Qingshuang shook his head: "people are coming from the Miao area, like the princess of Miao area."

Just three days ago, the emperor of mausoleum suddenly began to attack the Regent's palace, all of which were mean means. If she hadn't prepared in advance, I'm afraid that many people in the Regent's palace would have been calculated.

"You go to rest. I'll do the rest." Nanyu also didn't expect that the person who came here should be the princess of Miao, but it's just the same. The death of his family has a lot to do with the woman with a strong heart. He can revenge for his family.

Qingshuang has been waiting for Nanyu to return. Now that she is back, she can have a good rest.

When Ning Mengyao heard the news of Nanyu's return, he put down some things with his heart: "the business of Nanyu's palace is up to you."

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. I'll see what should not be left here."