The old man didn't have to ask, but also knew who song Li said: "yes."

Song Li's beautiful face, with a grim expression, completely destroyed all her beauty.

The old man looked at the dying man and shook his head helplessly: "since you tell us directly where people will not suffer from this kind of suffering, why do you say you need to?"

The bound man suddenly looked up at the old man in front of him, and suddenly smiled: "I have only one sentence. I don't know. Do what you want." Big deal is death.

The old man frowned at the stubborn young man in front of him and shook his head helplessly: "falling into the hands of the princess, death is a relief, she will only make you live worse than death."

Nanyu listened to the conversation quietly. He came to this place with Gu Chong. Unexpectedly, he found the man that his sister-in-law said.

The man laughed, "then try." What pain has been suffered, what is he afraid of?

The old man's expression was slightly strict: "do you really want to do this?"

"Talk less nonsense and use whatever moves you have. Don't make a fuss here."

The old man turned blue with his angry face, and finally snorted coldly, "I'd like to see when you can last."

The muffled voice of tolerance rings in the ear of Nanyu. Nanyu nods with satisfaction. This man is really a man.

For a whole day, the people in it didn't shout out, even if they had already suffered to the extreme, they could bear it.

Looking at him like this, the old man could not help frowning. It seems that he still needs to find a way for the princess. It's really a hard bone, harder than the stone in the manger.

After the old man left, Nanyu quietly appeared in the place where he was being held. Looking at the people in front of him, he was surprised. He was still standing like this. Should he say that he was sincere or rigid?

He reached out his hand and cut the chain through his lute bone. He shouldered people on his shoulders without pity and left the palace with them.

When the old man and Song Li came to the prison, they had already disappeared.

"What about people?" Song Li looks at the old man with a gloomy face.

There was a flash of horror in the old man's eyes. When he left, he was in a coma. Not only was his hand and foot tendons broken, but also his martial arts were abandoned, and his lute bone was pierced. It was impossible for him to escape.

"Here How is this possible? "

"I'll go to see a doctor at once. I'm sure I'll find a doctor after such a serious injury. I'll keep an eye on all the doctors in the imperial city who have some medical skills." Song Li said with a calm face.


After the old man went out, he wiped the sweat on his forehead. Fortunately, he was not angry.

No worry to see the people brought back from Nanyu is that the anger in his heart suddenly soared, how could he not have thought that people were tortured like this by them.

"Mengyao......" Worry free subconsciously turns to see Ning Mengyao. If he doesn't get a doctor, he will die soon.

Ning Mengyao glanced at Wu you and said, "you know that woman's character. Do you think she will give you a chance to invite a doctor?"

"But..." Is that how he was allowed to die?

"Come on, there is also Qingshuang. How about Qingshuang?" Ningmengyao waves and interrupts Wuyou's words, looking at the rest and returning to Qingshuang.

Qingshuang took a look: "it's a little bit serious, but it will take some time."

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can cure people." Ningmengyao didn't care a bit about waving.

Fortunately, there are all kinds of herbs in the palace, so they don't need to go outside to get them. This also makes Song Li lose their trace, just like being carefree.

When people are rescued, they seem to disappear from the sky.

"You say people are missing? No one asked for a doctor? " Song Li glared at the old man and shouted angrily.

The old man nodded, "it's true."

"Where the hell has that man gone?" Song Li whispered.

"Probably in the Regent's palace." The old man suddenly thought of a place and said with some uncertainty.

Song Li squints at the old man: "is there any way to let us go into the Regent's palace?"

"I'm afraid not."