Song Li doesn't like people in front of her to talk to her in such a tone.

"Although you are the apprentice of the high priest, don't forget the princess. If you destroy the national teacher, what will become in the end? Can you bear the consequences?"

"You don't threaten me in the name of a national teacher." Song Li's face suddenly turned to pig liver.

She and Wang are the masters of Miao. Why should they be afraid of a man who doesn't know where to come from?

Besides, she is a man who never shows her true face. What she hates most is such a person.

The old man looked at Song Li indifferently: "the princess can go to tell the master that she hopes to take out the magic grass, or we will all die at that time."

Song Li's face is blue and white, and the pain of eating makes her pale face almost transparent.

"I didn't." Song Li insisted, but did not want to take it out.

When the old man saw her like this, he smiled and nodded, "since the princess doesn't want to, then I'm not reluctant." The old man said with a light smile, "when the National Teacher blames me, I will tell you the truth."

"Are you threatening me?" Song Li said angrily.

The old man shook his head gently: "no, I'm not threatening the princess. I'm just telling the truth. Whether magic grass is important or small life is important, the princess must know about it. I don't need to talk about it here."

Song Li looks at the old man with an ugly face: "Miao is king's, you traitors."

"Ha ha, his? If you hadn't killed all the people of the NANs, who would be the king now The old man laughed sarcastically.

At the beginning, there was a child in the south family who was very gifted with Gu insects. He was chosen by Gu Wang at a young age. He was the most qualified child to be king. At last, because of the current king of Miao, he went away at a young age. Not only that, but also Gu Wang disappeared together for more than ten years. All this was caused by the man in front of him and their so-called king.

A person without Gu Wang's approval wants to be the king of Miao? Do you really think how many people really believe in them? It's just because of the priests behind them.

"You..." Song Li was about to get angry when she suddenly thought of a problem.

That's when the Regent's mansion, the man next to the princess seems to be called Nanyu?

South Is it... Song Li's eyes suddenly widened, and she couldn't believe it.

If she guesses right, the man named Nanyu is the descendant of the Nan family. Not only that, but even Gu Wang is likely to be in his hands.

Looking at Song Li's suddenly changed face, the old man muttered in his heart what he was thinking, and his expression changed so fast.

"The child is not dead."

"What do you mean?" The old man's face changed and he frowned at Song Li.

"Nanyu is the man who knows Gu insects in the Regent's palace. It's likely that Gu Wang is on him." When she was in the Regent's palace, she didn't try to stir up her insects, but there was no movement, even those insects were shivering.

Although her insects are not as good as the previous ones, they are also very good ones. However, they can't do anything there. They are shaking all the time, which only shows one problem. There is a Gu king in the Regent's palace.

The old man frowned and looked at Song Li. If this is the case, I'm afraid it will be difficult. Seeing Song Li like this, the other side is likely to retaliate.

Just thinking about it, Song Li suddenly screamed out, even kept rolling on the bed. Her bones seemed to be broken, and her body seemed to be gnawed by thousands of ants at the same time. This feeling almost drove Song Li crazy.

On the roof of the Regent's mansion, Nanyu played a small bamboo flute gently. There was no expression on his face, but there was an obvious fanaticism in his eyes, as if he was doing something exciting.

Qingshuang stood below and looked at Nanyu like that. He was worried. He knew that Nanyu stopped and then flew up: "are you ok?"

"I'm fine, just thinking of my parents." Nanyu is in a low mood.