No matter how angry he was in the heart of the emperor, he could only watch it happen at last. Who let the kingdom of mausoleum be surrounded now? Who can't help mausoleum without allies?

If it wasn't for the disappearance of nangongyan, it would not have come to this point.

Qiao Tianchang ignored the ugly face of the mausoleum, and finally a little smile appeared on his face: "if the mausoleum wants to take these things back, we agree, and we will wait for you to take them."

It was dark in front of the emperor's eyes, and he almost didn't faint.

After a dead look at Qiao Tianchang, Emperor Ling insisted and said, "let's go..."

Seeing the mausoleum leaving with the people of mausoleum, Feng Shuo shook his head helplessly: "be careful to make people angry, he jumped the wall."

Qiao Tianchang casually sat on the chair and sneered, "give him three guts."

If the emperor had such courage, he would not agree with their compensation, although he would not agree that the final loss would be even worse.

Feng Shuo shook his head gently: "in my impression, the generals are not all big five and big three?" Why doesn't that mean right now? Not only is it not very wise, it's OK.

This man is not only wise, but also very clear about things. Sometimes he even feels inferior to him.

"Thank you for your compliment." Qiao Tianchang chuckled, as if he was very satisfied with Feng Shuo's words.

Feng Shuo looks at Qiao Tianchang speechless. I want to say that he really didn't praise him. Don't be so happy. He just looks at Feng Shuo like that, and finally he is silent. He's better not to talk. Save what he can say when he comes.

Qiao Tianchang stretched out a big stretch: "finally you can go back to see Yaoyao and Shanger."

"Your son?"

"Well, would you like to have a look?" Speaking of his son, Joe Tianchang became interested. In his eyes, his son is the most lovely child in the world.

Feng Shuo's heart was slightly astringent, then nodded, "OK."

When Ning Mengyao gave birth to a child, he happened to have something to do with it. He didn't go there, but he was given a gift.

Qiao Tianchang stood up from his chair and said, "I'll tell you something."

"I'll go, too."

Qiao Tianchang first ordered the soldiers of the state of Xiao to take people to receive the three mines, and sent troops to garrison them. At the same time, he asked Lin Ziyou and Lei An to arrange the city they got, so as not to cause any civil disturbance.

But Qiao Tianchang didn't think that after the armistice, all the rich kids who had come to the border to make trouble seemed to be possessed. They just stayed in these cities, which meant they would settle down in the state of Xiao.

Qiao Tianchang saw that they were like this, and his eyelids slightly jumped. At last, he didn't say anything, just asked people to arrange them.

The mausoleum, which had been hit at first, was even more frustrated because those people are now the tax source of the mausoleum. At this time, the mausoleum emperor did not dare to increase taxes excessively. If the people were forced by him, they would be like those people. Even if they kept the mausoleum at that time, it would be just an empty shell, which is not what he wanted to see.

Because of these people's affairs, Qiao Tianchang stayed at the border for a few more days, dealt with all things well, and made sure there was no mistake. Then Lin Ziyou and Lei An returned to Beijing together, and handed over all the harvest to Xiao Qifeng.

Ryan almost didn't jump up when he heard the news: "I love you so much, boss."

Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Lei An coolly. He was disgusted and said: "my sexual orientation is normal, and I have no interest in you."

Ryan got shot and fell. Doesn't he mean that?

Whether he meant it or not, Joe Tianchang didn't answer. When he went out, he saw fengshuo who had been waiting there: "let's go."

The two men turned over and galloped away. After they left, Lin Ziyou and Lei an also left. They were in the same mood in different directions.