"Nangong Yan The Regent of the mausoleum, I didn't expect you to have today. " With obvious mockery in the voice of the king of Miao, Nangong Yan seems to be very despised.

Sitting on the ground with his eyes closed, Nangong Yan's eyelids moved. He opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him: "who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's important that you're now a prisoner." The king of Miao looked at Nangong Yan with a smile.

Nangong Yan looks up at the person in front of him. There is no extra expression on his face. He just looks at him lightly: "say, what do you want to do?" Nangong Yan didn't want to talk nonsense with such a person, so he asked directly.

The king of miaojiang laughed, and the laughter was crazy: "I want you to die, what do you say?"

Nangong Yan's face changed, his eyes fixed on the king of Miao: "is that right?"

This person, gives him a very familiar feeling, as if he had met somewhere.

But he never saw this face. Who is it?

When nangongyan was confused, the king of Miao came to nangongyan's face, crouched down and looked into his eyes: "do you know why I shut you here, but do nothing?"

Nangong Yan didn't speak, just looked at the king of Miao with indifferent eyes, as if he didn't care what he wanted to do.

The king of Miao suddenly stood up and looked at nangongyan crazily: "when your daughter, son-in-law and grandson are reunited with you, you will know what I want to do."

Nangong Yan, who had no expression all the time, turned pale and looked at the Miao King coldly: "you dare to move them to try."

"If they dare to disturb my people and disrupt my plans, they should know the result." The king of Miao looked at Nangong Yan angrily.

Nangong Yan looks at the person in front of him and squints: "you are from Miao area:"

it seems that the king of Miao area is somewhat surprised. Nangong Yan even knows to guess this: "how is it?"

Nangong Yan suddenly smiled, but the smile was a little strange, which made the king of miaojiang feel hairy.

"Want to touch my daughter's son-in-law? We have to see if you have the ability. " He has complete faith in the abilities of his daughter and son-in-law.

The king of Miao was going to fight against nangongyan. Who knows that he was almost beaten.

Looking at nangongyan, the king of Miao was angry: "shut up for me."

Nangong Yan picked up the eyebrows, but didn't continue to talk, just his hands around his chest, which was totally indifferent.

"How long do you think you can live? Do you feel that your internal power is gradually gone now? That's the feeling. When your internal power is completely lost, you will know what will happen next. " The king of miaojiang laughed. After seeing Nangong Yan's slightly changed expression, he was in a very good mood.

Nangong Yan didn't care about his madness at that time. He was curious about what could happen to him.

Because of Nangong Yan's indifferent attitude, he angered the king of Miao. He just wanted to teach Nangong Yan a lesson, but suddenly he heard someone outside saying that someone had broken into the house.

As soon as the face of the Miao King changed, he ran out. The speed really made Nangong Yan have a little accident.

Nangong Yan sees people coming and going strangely. He feels puzzled. What is this person doing?

After the Miao king went out, the figure had disappeared.

"Damn it, take care of people. If people are not there, you will not live."

"Yes." Everyone nodded with trembling fear, for fear that they had lost their lives due to negligence.

In a small house not far from the house, several people surrounded it: "it seems that people are in it."

"Well, let's go to the princess first."

These people came with Ning Mengyao, but after they came, they were sent by Ning Mengyao to protect the old man's safety.

So when he got to this place, the strange old man followed the man to come here, but he was afraid of it. So they went in and checked it out. They felt that the Lord must be in this hut. Now they are afraid to find a way to save people.