If Ning Mengyao knew what Nanyu was thinking, he would fall to the ground directly.

As soon as Hongying came in, she saw that Qingshuang was being held in her arms by a man. The man looked at them when they came in, and then frowned tightly. Although Hongying didn't speak, they knew clearly that the man didn't like them.

Red tassel hands ring chest looking at the man in front, the corner of the mouth with a light smile: "man do you know what you are doing?"

Nanyu ignored Hongying and ignored people directly: "let's go to see Mo Feng." Since arriving at the courtyard, Qiao mofeng has started to practice martial arts consciously under the guidance of Nanyu.

But to everyone's surprise, his talent is very good. I don't know whether it is the same or whether he learned it before he lost his memory.

"Good." Qingshuang nods.

Hongying squints at Qingshuang: "xiaoqingshuang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't you even want us?"

Before Qingshuang could speak, he was dragged away by the people beside him.

Seeing that someone dared to ignore himself, Hongying walked away: "stop for me."

Nanyu impatiently listens to the voice, stoops down to pick up Qingshuang and leaps, and the two disappear.

Seeing that Hongying's face was distorted, Ning Mengyao explained with a smile: "sister Hongying, it's Qingshuang's Xianggong Nanyu. People compare I'm not very fond of getting along with people. Don't mind. "

"Ha ha ha ha, you have today? It's going to be ignored. " Among several people, the white dress saw that the red tassel was rarely eaten in front of the man, and immediately burst out laughing. The eyes of the red tassel were even more full of joy with heart disaster. How could that look like that.

The red tassel fierce brick looked at the smiling someone, gnashing his teeth: "Xiaobai, shut up for your sister."

White smile enough to finally close their noble mouth, just see how the eyes of Hongying see how to play, so that Hongying would like to dig out the eyes of this man.

"Xiaohei, your concubine is going to kill." The white clothes flash to the back of the black clothes, whispering, "aren't you afraid that she killed you at night?"

The eyelids of black clothes jumped, reaching out to bring out the people behind, throwing away the disgusted ones, walking to the opposite side of Ning Mengyao and sitting down: "is there anything important for Yao'er to let us come here this time?"

As soon as the words of black clothes come out, red tassel and white clothes are quiet at the same time. I want to see Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao nodded: "my father is locked up. I want you to help me save my father, but it may be very dangerous."

Although I know they won't care about it, I just let them take risks, but I still feel sorry.

Red tassel went to Ning Mengyao, reached for a hook, hugged people tightly into her arms, and said seriously, "little girl, if you don't let us follow you, we will be very angry."


Qiao Tianchang reached out to hold the wrist of the red tassel, threw away the blinding hand on Ning Mengyao's shoulder, and then drew the man close to his arms, which made him feel more comfortable.

Hongying looked at herself and was suddenly thrown away. Her face turned bad. She glared at Qiao Tianchang: "what's the matter with you man? This is our little girl. "

"Yaoyao is my wife."

"We've been together for years."

"Yaoyao is my wife."

No matter what Hongying says, Qiao Tianchang has only one word, that is, Ning Mengyao is his wife. In this way, Hongying's eyelids can't stop jumping.

"All right, stop it." Ning Mengyao looks at them helplessly.

Hongying stares at Qiao Tianchang and almost fails to come up with a breath when she finds that the other party doesn't pay attention to her.

Ning Mengyao tells them what she thinks.

Hongying and others listened, thought carefully, then nodded: "this method is very good."

"I'm going to go with Tianchang. Can you go to that town in parts, sister Hongying?" Ning Mengyao looks at several people.

"Sure, but what do you do, Xiaoyao Hongying thought of the little guy.

"There are Qingshuang and Nanyu, and there will be two of my father's dark guards."