With his village, she lived a very full life every day, just like It's as satisfying as having everything.

Qiao Tianchang didn't hear ningmengyao talking for a long time. He turned his head in some doubt and saw ningmengyao staring at him with a blank face. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Can't help smiling, people came to Ning Mengyao's back, holding people: "what is Yaoyao thinking?"

"It seems that I have never been alone since I met you, and I have lived a full life every day." Ning Mengyao smiles at Qiao Tianchang and answers.

"It will be the same in the future." When they get back, they want another daughter, so it's complete.

Ning Mengyao nodded, then pointed to everything around him: "but should we try to leave this place now?"

"It's the same. It's just that this array makes me confused. I can't find any flaws." Qiao Tianchang could not help frowning.

He also learned this when he was a child with his master, but he only learned a little, not so proficient.

Ningmengyao also looked around the place, then eyes a bright: "day Chang we close our eyes by feeling."

"This OK. " Qiao Tianchang just wanted to say no, but he nodded.

At last, I kissed her on Ning Mengyao's face: "my daughter-in-law is so smart."

Ning Mengyao gave Qiao Tianchang a white look and said, "saliva."

"Well, let's go." Qiao Tianchang holds Ning Mengyao's hand and closes his eyes first.

Ningmengyao also closed her eyes when she saw it. They didn't take care of everything around them, but went with their own feelings.

Although it is said that everything the eyes see is more real, sometimes everything the eyes see can't satisfy everything, but at this time, the heart can see clearly what it says.

They don't know how long they have been walking with their eyes closed, but they feel the temperature on their bodies is rising, and there is also the chirp of insects and ants.

Ning Mengyao can't wait to open her eyes and look at the completely changed scene. She can't help jumping onto Qiao Tianchang's body: "Tianchang we are out."

When Ning Mengyao was excited, Qiao Tianchang also opened his eyes, looked at the excited appearance of Ning Mengyao, and could not help shaking his head funny.

"Come out and come out, so excited?"

"Of course, but Tianchang is a beautiful place. Have you noticed it?" Ning Mengyao looked around and made such an evaluation.

Qiao Tianchang looked around and nodded: "it's really good, but I still think our villa is better."

"Of course, no one can match that place." The villa is not only the place they will settle down in the future, but also the surprise Qiao Tianchang prepared for her. Naturally, it's not comparable to other places.

"Roar..." When Joe Tianchang was about to speak, he heard a roar coming from afar.

Ningmengyao's body is stiff, and she turns to look at Qiao Tianchang mechanically: "Tianchang we didn't meet any wild animals just now, can't we now?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with some entanglements.

If so, they are really unlucky enough.

Qiao Tianchang shook his head. When he was in Baishan village, he lived by hunting and knew the sound of all kinds of prey, especially large prey.

"It's not like a beast's voice, it's a bit like a man." Qiao Tianchang is also a little uncertain.

Ning Mengyao's eyes are silly: "people? No? " Is there anyone else in such a place? It's just curious.

"Just go and have a look." Qiao Tianchang frowned. He could not help worrying about the feeling of escaping from his control.

With that roaring voice, Qiao Tianchang and his wife walked past warily.

Ning Mengyao helplessly looks at Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang, do you think this place is so big? It's going to be dark. " After walking for such a long time, it was already dark. At the same time, ningmengyao felt hungry.

She hasn't had a meal since she entered the secret way. It should have been two or three days now, hasn't it?