"No, those places are not suitable for our survival. We can have economic contacts with them, but it is not necessary for us to expand our territory." In fact, the population of Miao is not very large, which is far from those small countries in the Central Plains. How can we compare it with a big country like Xiao?

There is no hypocrisy in santalin's words. He always thinks that there are many places in the central plains that are worth learning and learning from. He wants to make friends with them and get along with them friendly.

But a lot of people disagree. They don't think it's necessary. How can Miao nationality get along with those barbarians.

Santalin was only amused. What is a barbarian? Just because they can't, do they feel superior? It's just a dream.

"Isn't your wife Song Li?" Ning Mengyao suddenly thought of a man, couldn't help but stare at santalin.

At the time of hearing the name, santalin's face was completely gloomy, as if he wanted to kill someone.

As for his expression, Ning Mengyao felt that he didn't need to ask more questions. He could see from the expression that song Lizhen was his wife.

Ning Mengyao touched her nose: "she is now the princess of Miao."

Santalin's movement in his hand, his eyes slightly cold: "I know."

Qiao Tianchang didn't want to go on talking. Then he looked at santalin: "do you know how to get out of this place?"

Santalin nodded, "yes, but I want to cooperate with you."

Judging from their words and deeds, they are not ordinary people. As long as they can get their help, they will certainly be able to change miaojiang back to its original appearance.

Qiao Tianchang looks at santalin: "what capital do you have for us to help you now?"

He is alone now. Is that how to help him? It's not possible at all.

Santalin finally smiled: "you can rest assured that I have a team of loyal subordinates, about 10000 people. When I woke up, I tried to send them a letter."

That's why he's alive.

There is a kind of secret skill in Miao area. People can make a kind of insect with their blood. Usually, the insect is very quiet. But if a person dies, the insect will also die, and his loyal subordinates will take the one.

At that time, I told them that if he died, he would kill Song Li and they, and we must protect Miao Jiang.

I just didn't expect such a big thing to happen these years.

Qiao Tianchang looked at santalin and said, "why do you make us believe you?"

If there is such a person, then why does he stay in the so-called forbidden area for so many years? Doesn't that seem contradictory?

Naturally, santalin knew the suspicion of the other side, and looked at the two helplessly and said: "since you can come here, it means that you met the array. In order to prevent me from going out here, or my people came to save me, they found someone to get the array."

Their pens are big enough to trap themselves.

Qiao Tianchang was silent and didn't speak. Santalin was worried: "I have no reason to cheat you, don't I?"

This is a big truth. He really has no motive to deceive them.

"We'll talk about the cooperation later." Now they can't even get out of this place. They can't talk about cooperation.

Santalin laughed: "I'll take this one. If the people outside can't come in, it doesn't mean that the people inside can't go out, but it's just trouble." Santalin said casually.

"Then let's go." Ningmengyao is really fed up with this place, although it's beautiful.

Santalin got up and took the two of them to the opposite direction of the wooden house, and the place to go was the cave where santalin had been.

Ning Mengyao looked at the cave and said, "what are you bringing us here for?"

"The exit is here." Santalin felt his nose awkwardly, and said with some embarrassment.

Ning Mengyao stares round his eyes and can't believe looking at the dirty Cave: "in it? Isn't it? "