Qiao Tianchang looked at the person who was coming from the opposite side at a gallop. His mouth was slightly hooked: "Yao Yao, I'm curious. Is Qinglin sect really coming for the sake of snow falling sword?"

If so, then the three brothers and sisters of Fengyuan school are OK, but they are probably all disciples of Qinglin school. Let so many people come to this place. What does the leader of Qinglin school mean?

Ning Mengyao nodded, "well, but does it have anything to do with us?"

Qiao Tianchang was shocked, then shook his head: "it doesn't matter."

"Yes, it has nothing to do with us. They can't care how they like to toss. We just dare to come to our trouble and don't mind being bullied back." Ningmengyao smiled and said such cold words, which made Qiao Tianchang helpless.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's face with light helplessness. This girl is really.

After the group arrived at the yard, Ning Mengyao found that there was no one among the three brothers and sisters. Did they instigate these people?

Think of this, Ning Mengyao eyes with obvious mockery: "Tianchang seems to have a good play to see."

"Well, probably."

"Throw them all away."


After the discussion, they flew downstairs tacitly. They were surprised to see the two suddenly appeared. But they soon calmed down.

"Do it."

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang both started at the same time. There must be someone falling there.

Looking at the person lying on the ground, Ning Mengyao doesn't mean to blame herself at all, but she moves faster.

For half an hour, all the people who had come had been lying on the ground and had lost their fighting power. Ning Mengyao looked at them and said, "the Qinglin sect is just like this."

"Go to bed. I'll take care of it here." Qiao Tianchang reaches out his hand and knocks on Ning Mengyao's head.

Ningmengyao just to refute, see Qiao Tianchang eyes seriously, finally can only obedient turn back to the room to rest.

Qiao Tianchang asked the two men to take them back to Fengyuan where they lived.

Feng Yuan, who was asleep, was suddenly awakened. Looking at the people on the ground, two people who were already standing in their room sat up suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? I don't want this kind of thing to happen again. At that time, I will not beat them up, and others will come back by themselves. " Qiao Tianchang dropped that sentence and left with Nanyu.

Feng Yuan quickly gets up and lights the candle. When he has the light, he sees those people on the ground suffering. His forehead jumps suddenly.

What do these people want to do?

"What are you going to do?"

"Elder martial brother, we......"

"That's enough. You don't think it's enough, do you?" Feng Yuan said with a gnashing of teeth.

People on the ground are in pain again. Now I see Fengyuan's angry look. Some of them have put their heads aside and dare not go to see Fengyuan at all.

Feng Yuan goes to wake up Mingze: "let's go over there."

On the way, Mingze knew about it, frowning: "maybe younger martial sister did it."

"Well." Besides her, he couldn't think of anyone who would do such a thing. It was just a straw bag, and he really took himself as one thing.

Feebly rubbing her forehead, does she take her words as the wind in her ear?

The next morning, they found Bai Yu, and they didn't admit it when they asked her. However, when she saw that all her other senior brothers were seriously injured, her face turned white. The only idea in her heart was that luckily she didn't go with her, or she would be really finished.

"Why do you do that?"

"I I just want to help Shifu get the sword. Shifu cares so much... " Under the eyes of Fengyuan and Fengyuan, Baiyu's voice is getting lower and lower. At last, it can't be said.

Feng Yuan looked at Bai Yu coldly and said, "don't take yourself seriously. Think everyone is an idiot."

"What do you mean, elder martial brother? Is it wrong that I want to make master happy? "