Joe mofeng has been wearing the jade pendant very sweetly since he got it. Sometimes he doesn't feel relieved to pat his chest for fear that the jade pendant will fall out.

Ning Mengyao has no choice but to look at Qiao mofeng: "the jade plate of Fenger will not fall, you don't have to worry."

Qiao Mo Feng is a little embarrassed and grabs the back of his head: "Niang, I don't know why, just like this jade pendant."

Ningmengyao's eyes flickered slightly. Is this blood relationship?

After dinner, Qiao mofeng went out with them in Nanyu. They talked about things between WeiLuo and Qiao mofeng in the box.

"I didn't expect feng'er to be an unfinished child." Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with a wry smile.

The two people saved are still mother and son, which makes her speechless, but at the same time, she feels that neither laugh nor cry. Maybe she has a relationship with her mother and son.

Qiao Tianchang nodded. He only thought that there would be a relationship between WeiLuo and Qiao mofeng. He just didn't think that the two were mother and son.

"Then why did she leave like this?"

"She's going to revenge." This sentence, Ning Mengyao said very complex, she did not have any position to let WeiLuo give up revenge, after all, this is the indelible injury in WeiLuo's heart.

After Qiao Tianchang's silence for a moment, he looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "since then, maple will follow us."

Ningmengyao nodded, she is so like, perhaps it is because of this, not to fall to such a decisive decision to revenge.

When they talked about this, they were following Qingshuang and watching Qiao mofeng go out with them to learn about this place.

It wasn't until the three returned to the tavern that they really left.

Watching them enter the tavern, holding their swords tightly and lips tightly, she finally turns around and leaves. No matter what, she will come back alive.

Standing at the window, Ning Mengyao looks at WeiLuo, who is walking towards the gate of the city. With a sigh, she knows that WeiLuo won't leave like this.

Close the window and call Qiao Tianchang. They hold the baby and go back to the room.

"Mother, we are back."

"Is there any gain?" Ning Mengyao smiles at Qiao mofeng.

"Joe Mo Feng nods:" have, Niang we should leave here

"Oh? Why? "

"If we don't go now, we won't be able to catch up with the next town today." This is what he heard. It will take more than half a day to get to the nearest town.

"We don't leave today, we'll leave tomorrow." Ningmengyao shakes her head. Even if they go now, they need to hurry to the next town. This is not what she wants. The little monkey can't stand it.

Qiao Mo Feng was stunned, and then he reached for Qiao Mo Shang's hand. He felt his nose embarrassed, and smiled awkwardly: "Mom, I forget that my brother is still young."

"Nothing." Reach out and touch Joe mofeng's head, with encouragement in his eyes, he can calculate, that's good.

There were still some times when Ning Mengyao listened to Qiao mofeng's talk about this place, and she was also curious. She immediately took Qiao Tianchang and they went out together and went shopping again.

The next morning, the family left the place and headed for the capital.

In the Guoshi mansion, the Guoshi, still dressed in white, stood at the window with his back to his subordinates and whispered: "have they finally come?"

"Shall we stop him, master?" Asked the kneeling man with some uncertainty.

The National Teacher chuckled: "no, she will come sooner or later, but I didn't expect to be so fast, but I'm very curious. Where is nangongyan's party hiding? Has there been no news yet?"

"No, we searched all the mountains where they were missing, but no one was found." Kneeling on the ground, the body is sweating, some cold heart, deep fear of punishment in general.

The national teacher looked down at the kneeling man accidentally, his eyes narrowed slightly: "haven't you found it yet?"

He began to be curious, and people would not escape from the sky. How could he not find it?

"Yes, near those mountains, there is no trace of them, not even of them."