Qiao Tianchang put his hand around Ning Mengyao's shoulder: "don't worry, feng'er will be OK."

"If there are more such things, I would like to send maple back. After all, we still need to stay here for a long time." Ningmengyao sighs, even if she can't bear that, what? She has to make a decision.

Qiao Tianchang shook his head gently: "Maple won't want to leave us."

"I know, but I'm worried about his health." Why don't ningmengyao know that Qiao mofeng is not willing to leave? But she can't let him hold on hard. It's not to love him, it's to hurt him.

Joe Tianchang shook his head gently: "this is an opportunity for him to face the fear in his heart. If he keeps avoiding it, sooner or later, it will explode, and it will be more serious."

Ningmengyao didn't understand this truth, but she was very distressed to see her beloved child make it look like this.

"Don't worry, young lady. You will wake up soon."

"Well, you can go and eat something, too."

"It's miss."

After Qingshuang left, the family ate some casually, and sat by the bed and looked at Qiao mofeng, whose eyes were closed.

When they all thought Joe mofeng was ok, Joe mofeng opened his eyes and sat up with a thick fear on his face.

Qiao Tianchang hurriedly put his hand around Qiao mofeng's shoulder: "what happened to maple?"

Familiar voice, let Qiao Mo Feng that tense nerve get a little relaxation, he reached out to pull Qiao Tianchang's clothes, tightly unwilling to let go.

"Dad, I had a nightmare. It's terrible." Qiao Mo Feng's body slightly trembled, which made Qiao Tianchang couldn't help frowning.

"It's just a dream. It's not real. Don't be afraid."

"But But this dream is so real, just like I experienced it myself. " Qiao Mo Feng said, and told them about the dream.

The fear in it made him want to end his name like this. Why did he stay so painful.

Ningmengyao's eyes were cold. She didn't know if it was true, but she felt the fear and fear in Qiao mofeng's eyes.

Joe Tianchang gently patted Joe mofeng's back, trying to calm him down in such a way, not so afraid.

"Feng'er, don't be afraid. There are father and mother."

Looking up at Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao sitting on the edge, Qiao mofeng nodded: "Dad Fenger knows."

What else did Qiao Tianchang want to say? There was a knock outside. Ning Mengyao went to open the door. It was the junior here.

Side let people in, and so on put down the tray left, Ning Mengyao with a bowl of porridge above.

"Come and have something to eat."

Qiao mofeng wanted to say that he didn't want to eat it. He just saw ningmengyao smiling. But he couldn't say that.

Take the bowl and eat it in small bites.

"Feng'er, we will stay here for a while. We are worried about your state. If you want to, would you like my parents to send you home?" Ningmengyao waited for him to finish eating before he started to discuss.

Joe Mo Feng subconsciously shook his head: "Mom, I want to go back with you."

Ningmengyao didn't expect to be told by Qiao Tianchang, so she nodded helplessly: "since you said that, naturally, my mother can't really drive you away, but don't be like this again. My father and mother are worried about you, you know?"

"Well, don't worry, ma'am."

A family of three spoke for a while, and Qiao Tianchang and his wife left with Qiao moshang.

After they left, Qiao mofeng suddenly took out the jade plate on his neck, with hatred and firmness in his eyes: "Niang..."

The change of Qiao mofeng was only found in Nanyu. He felt that the eldest son seemed to have completely changed from before, but the eldest brother and sister-in-law didn't notice it at all, which made him frown. Should we forget that?

If so, what if Joe mofeng brings them trouble?

However, what Nanyu didn't know was that after Ning Mengyao saved him, the trouble had been following him.