After Song Li came in, she knelt down and saluted: "Song Li has seen a national teacher."

Guoshi looked at Song Li indifferently: "didn't he tell you that Guoshi mansion can't come?"

Song Li's eyelids fluttered a little, and finally she smiled confidently: "I have something to discuss with the national teacher today."

In the eyes of the national teacher, it is so disgusting that he wants to get what he wants.

"Oh? Then you can talk about it. " Guoshi looked at Song Li with a smile.

Song Li's heart was greatly relieved, with a confident smile on her face: "Guo Shi knows that Ning Mengyao and his wife have arrived here?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Wang and I want to cooperate with you."

Guoshi sneered at Song Li, with a strong irony in his eyes: "cooperation?"

The whole Miao area is under his control. As long as he wants to, he can let the woman in front of him have nothing. What qualification does she have to say to herself about cooperation?

Song Li was seen to have some hair in her heart, and the confident smile on her face seemed to be almost gone: "what do you mean, national teacher?"

The national teacher hit the left side with one hand and made a sound: "what do you mean? Song Li, you don't seem to realize who is in charge of Miao. "

Song Li looks at the national teacher and becomes cold in her heart. What does he mean? He wanted to say, Miao is his?

"It seems that your man didn't tell you everything. If I can make him the king of Miao, I can change him. Don't play with those little cleverness in front of me." The smile on the master 's face converged for a moment, and then he looked at the woman in front of him with cold eyes, full of disdain.

"You Why? "

"Let her out, King Ling. Let sang Fei take care of her woman." The National Teacher's eyes narrowed slightly, which was full of cold light.

What he hates most is others' questioning.

He also knows about Song Li's affairs. Now Song Li is not as radiant as she used to be. The poison that those people put on her is enough to make her life worse than death. He doesn't want to do anything to free people. He wants to see this woman slowly die in pain.

Song Li was dragged out shouting.

"The national teachers have a big heart."

"Well, that's interesting." Looking at the chess pieces in hand trying to break away from their hands, this feeling is actually very good.

If they are like puppets, what's so interesting about it?

"Tell Weijia that WeiLuo's son is back." He was curious about what they would do if they didn't know that the goblin like child came back, and what they would do if they wanted to stay out of the business.

The play may be more exciting and exciting than you think.

The man in black on the edge shivered subconsciously and his eyelids slightly jumped. What does the master want to do?

"Master, will this cause tongbaozhai's dissatisfaction?" That's what worries him the most.

Guoshi chuckled: "this has something to do with us?"

The man in black was stunned and immediately understood the meaning of the national teacher.

"I see."

"Then do it."

Looking at the flowers outside the window, the national teacher flashed a bit of thinking. I wonder if they can take over the play?

Weijia is on high alert before they leave. Especially when they are being chased and killed, when they are rescued, they are worried.

I'm afraid when I will run to them and give them a knife.

It's fatal for them. They all know that the reason why they hurt her badly last time is that they only use her son to disturb her mind. That's what they did.

Now they are not sure they can take it again.

However, it rained every night. I don't know where the news came from. The monster came back.

"Dad, anyway, we must kill that monster."