Even in order to deal with her, their ultimate goal is mostly those two children, with two children, how to threaten themselves is not a problem.

"Don't worry, young lady. We are with you." This time, in addition to the bright side of them, there are also the dark guards of Nangong Yan, but they are all in the dark.

Ningmengyao is relieved. She sits on the chair, points her fingers gently on the table, and squints her eyes slightly: "how is your investigation on the affairs of the homeless?"

"I've made it clear these days. I don't know whether it's fate or what. Weijia has transactions with tongbaozhai's industries, and there are many." When Qingshuang heard the news, she was a little sad.

Relying on them to make money, in the end, they even bullied their young lady. They really didn't know what to do.

Ningmengyao eyes flashed a trace of surprise: "with tongbaozhai?"


Ningmengyao eyes with a thick smile: "good, subpoena back to tell brother-in-law they, let them start baiting."

Qingshuang is stunned, then she looks at ningmengyao with bright eyes: "Miss, do you mean to start against Weijia?"

"How can you say that? It's just to make them more money. " No one will refuse such a good thing, especially the cooperation with tongbaozhai.

Qingshuang turns a white eye indecently. She doesn't believe what she said. She only knows what it means to climb higher and fall worse.

Miss now wants to help Weijia. That's to make Weijia fall worse in the future.

Seeing Qingshuang's appearance, Ning Mengyao's eyelids jumped for a while, and decided not to have the same insight with Qingshuang and save his heart.

Reaching out and touching his nose, Qingshuang laughs, which makes ningmengyao feel itchy.

"Qingshuang, are you looking for a fight? Even my own young lady jokes. "

"No, no, No." Qingshuang quickly waved his hand. When ningmengyao was about to make a move, he dodged a lot: "I'm busy, miss." Finish saying quickly slip out, this speed is so fast, let Ning Mengyao laugh and laugh.

Looking at the green frost running away, Ning Mengyao touches her nose. Is she so scary? As for running so fast?

"Feng'erwei's family are watching us. I'm afraid they will write about you and the little monkey." For this matter, Ning Mengyao did not want to hide from Qiao mofeng, but told him everything.

Joe Mo Feng a Leng, then furious: "they dare."

"Well, these are the things that a mother should consider. Don't think about them any more." Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao mofeng's angry look funny. The child is not very big, but his mind is not small.

Qiao mofeng disagreed with Ning Mengyao's words, and was very dissatisfied to wait for her: "my father is busy, my brother is still young, I am the pillar of our family, and I will protect my brother." Joe mofeng said this very seriously.

"My mother believes you." Ningmengyao reached out and touched Qiao mofeng's head, which was just perfunctory.

Joe Mo Feng reached out his hand and pulled the hand off his head. He was very unwilling to say, "Mom, I mean it seriously."

"My mother didn't say you said it casually." Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao mofeng in surprise, but the bright smile in her eyes reveals her real idea.

Joe Mo Feng snorted discontentedly and knew that his mother didn't believe him.

Qiao moshang, who woke up from his sleep, heard the voices of the two men and suddenly said, "mother..."

Ningmengyao went to pick him up and touched his back. He found that he was already wet with sweat. He took out his clothes and changed them. Then he sat in front of Qiao mofeng.

"All of them"

Qiao mofeng surprised and round his eyes and looked at his brother: "mother, my brother called me brother."

Ning Mengyao reached out and pinched his son's small face: "I know my brother."


Looking at her son's innocent appearance, Ning Mengyao always couldn't get rid of her hands. Especially, there was a man on the edge who looked at her, making her unable to get rid of her hands.

"Mother, what are you going to do next?" Joe mofeng suddenly thought of this. There must be a reason for my parents to come here.