The strength of these three men was beyond his expectation. He had no idea that a woman should have such good martial arts.

"Damn it, let the others come and leave them." If one of the three runs away, it will be a disaster. Who knows about tongbaozhai does not know how short tongbaozhai is?

Green bamboo suddenly smiled strangely, and looked at the expression of Weisen, which was full of coldness: "Weisen, you dare to fight against the people in tongbaozhai. You are just looking for death."

Weisen's face changed: "you..."

Before he said it, he saw a few black beads in his hand. Before he could react, he had thrown them to the ground.

"Bamboos and bamboos" several times, surrounded by white smoke, and some people made a harsh scream, the sound of the green bamboo listen to feel very ecstatic.

"I've accepted your hospitality, but I don't know if you can live in tongbaozhai's hospitality?"

As the smoke cleared away, where were the green bamboo figures in front of them? He looked at everything in front of him with a gloomy face. Weisen's face was very ugly. It was like who owed him a lot of money. It was very funny.

Green bamboo with dark three when they go back, Ning Mengyao has been waiting in the yard, see them back: "how?"

"Different from what you think, miss, Weisen doesn't admit it at all. He even wants to leave us behind and 'hurt' us." Green bamboo bites the hurt words heavily, as if for fear that others don't know.

Ningmengyao nodded: "well, I see. Since he is so arranged, let him learn a lesson. Besides, is Weiyan still in Yulin villa?"


"Subpoena told the brother-in-law what happened here, and the brother-in-law knew how to do the rest." Ning Mengyao asked at will.

As soon as the green bamboo eyes were bright, he nodded and ran back to his study.

Two days later, Yufeng of Yulin mountain villa held the news from miaojiang. When he read the news, his face suddenly became gloomy.

Meiruolin on the side saw this and wondered: "what's the matter?"

"Weijia, it's such a big list. I actually have some ideas that we shouldn't have. I really think we can't reach the Miao area." Yufeng snorted and slapped the letter on the table.

Meiruolin blinked, still didn't understand how it was, what happened, to make this man so angry.

Reaching for the head of Yufeng, meiruolin looked at him with doubts.

"What happened?" Since she was pregnant, she seldom asked about tongbaozhai. She was dealing with it by Yufeng. If she was not here today, I'm afraid Yufeng would not tell her what happened.

It's similar to what Mei Ruolin thought. Yufeng really doesn't want to tell Mei Ruolin what happened there. After all, it's really annoying.

"I told you, you must not be excited or angry." Yufeng knows that even if she wants to hide it, she can't, especially when she already knows it.

Merlin nodded. "Don't worry, I know."

Yufeng takes up the letter on the table, goes to meiruolin's side and sits down, at the same time hands the letter to her.

Meiruolin curiously took over, and after reading the above content, her face turned black: "this young generation of Weiyan is really brave enough. Isn't Weiyan still in the villa? In this case, it's time to tell him, by the way, what his good son did when he was running for the family. "

I'm afraid he wished that Weiyan had died, and then he inherited the family with a good name.

Yufeng nodded: "I mean that too. It's better to watch their father and son fight inside than let us fight. It's more interesting." Watching fire from the bank is his favorite way to deal with it. They don't have to do it. They can also watch plays. Why not do it.

Mei Ruolin's eyelids jumped for a while, then she took a look at Yu Feng: "Yao Er knows that she will beat you."