Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's eyes full of smiles and reaches out to hug him in his arms: "listen to you."

When Weisen heard the conversation, he had a bad premonition.

"What do you want to do? I am the young master of the family, and I will soon become the head of the family. " Weisen looks at Ning Mengyao and their bodies are slightly tense.

Ning Mengyao chuckled, "the head of the family who has not been home? I don't pay attention to tongbaozhai. "

"What do you say?" At this moment, Weisen's ears seem to be deaf. He can't believe to look at ningmengyao.

She said tongbaozhai just now. Is this woman

"Congratulations, you are right. My name is Ning... Dream... Yao. "

In the last three words, Weisen's eyes were widened. The round eyes were full of disbelief. This woman was the leader of tongbaozhai? This... How could it be.

In any case, Weisen can't believe it, but the leader of tongbaozhai is not someone else who dares to fake it.

"You calculated all this, didn't you?" Weisen suddenly thought of something, staring at ningmengyao.

Ning Mengyao chuckled: "it can be said that, but if you don't have such ambition, I can't do more, can I?"

Weisen has to admit that what Ning Mengyao said is quite right. It's all caused by his own ambition. No wonder others.

Ningmengyao looked at Weisen coldly: "take it down."

When they were just about to take people away from Nanyu, a group of people in black suddenly flew into the yard to deal with them, but it was not very similar. They were not interested in fighting. From that move, their purpose was not for them, but for Wesen.

Ning Mengyao's eyes flashed a strong smile: "Tianchang seems that he is really going against us."

"White ink?"

"Well, you said we should let him succeed." Ning Mengyao murmurs. It seems that you are asking Qiao Tianchang, but Qiao Tianchang knows that she is just talking to herself.

"Just be happy."

Ning Mengyao looks at the dark three, they are tangled with those individuals, with a light smile on their face, but their eyes are very cold.

"Niang is in Baimo's hand, and Baimo is unwilling to give her back to me. Weisen can do this. It's Baimo who gives him advice. It can also be said that Weijia is now under the control of Baimo." During this period, she was not idle, just the result of the investigation, but she was not so happy.

Bai Mo, he hid in this place with his mother for more than ten years. What is his purpose?

Or is there something in this place that attracts him?

"Tianchang, suddenly I don't want them to leave." Ningmengyao did not wait for Qiao Tianchang to return to her, and immediately said earnestly.

"Then let's do it."


The two men put out their hands at the same time. When they were about to leave all the people behind, a large number of black insects suddenly flew into the sky. Those insects did not hurt people, but they disturbed their sight and made them unable to continue their operations.

After Nanyu and Qingshuang find a way to drive these insects away, Weisen and others are no longer there.

Looking at the open yard, "I've been rescued."


"Tianchang, let's play a big game." Since Bai Mo doesn't care, she doesn't have to be afraid.

Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Nanyu and takes ningmengyao back to his room.

"Yao Yao, you can rest assured that our mother-in-law will be rescued as long as we keep her movements a little hidden." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao seriously and doesn't want him to continue to be sad because of these things.

Ning Mengyao looks up at Qiao Tianchang and says, "Tianchang, what do you mean?"

"Remember the woman we saw in the stone room? That's probably my mother-in-law. I went out this time, in addition to investigating some things here, I went there specially to see it. It's very nice. If it's not that people have been sleeping, we've brought them out. " Qiao Tianchang said seriously.

Ning Mengyao couldn't believe looking at Qiao Tianchang. When she didn't know, he had already done it.