At this time, he doesn't want Ning Mengyao to suddenly give him a hand, which is not a good thing for them.

"But master..."

"No, but I'll do it right away."

That night, Bai Mo personally took people around the courtyard where Ning Mengyao lived, but after entering it, he found that it had been empty for a long time.

Bai Mo looks at the empty yard, and even the daily things inside have been taken away.

His face immediately changed very ugly: "what about them?"

"This This... "

"Not soon?" The white ink fiercely turns around, glares at the person in front.

He had a premonition that when they were right, it would be the end of everything.

All the people around left. Bai Mo stood alone in the yard, thinking of meeting Ning Mengyao twice.

At first, when I knew Ning Mengyao, she was just the lover of the general of the town. Later, it was revealed that she was the cabinet leader of tongbaozhai, and finally she was the daughter of nangongyan.

He thought that ningmengyao would be like any other woman, a kind of jade in a small family. However, the two people got along face to face, and he found that ningmengyao did not look like xiaochengya, or Nangong flame two people at all.

Ningmengyao looks like a big girl, but in fact she is a mysterious woman.

He always thought that Miao was under his control. It was only at this moment that he found that what he thought controlled everything was nothing.

Ningmengyao had packed up their things and set out after they decided in the daytime, but it took a lot of time to get rid of all the people.

By the time Baimo went to the courtyard, they had already left the capital city and galloped towards the place where nangongyan was.

It took two days for them to arrive.

In the past, Nangong Yan was awake, but his body was not very good. When he saw them, his face finally showed a clear smile.

Ning Mengyao went to sit next to Nangong Yan: "Dad, are you ok?"

"I'm fine." Nangong Yan shakes her head.

Ningmengyao looked at nangongyan's many white hair, and her heart was very distressed. She looked at him like that: "you still don't believe what I said, do you?"

"Yao'er, Bai Mo is your mother's best friend and I, he won't do that." Nangong Yan shook his head. He didn't believe his daughter, but he believed their previous feelings too much.

For Baimo, Nangong Yan treats him like a brother. He doesn't believe that Baimo will treat him like that.

Ning Mengyao looks at Nangong Yan with a headache, and doesn't know what kind of words to persuade him.

"Ha ha, do you believe him? Not doing that? Do you know where my mother has been all these years? She has been imprisoned by Bai Mo, even if we have a way to save my mother, he would not like to. " Baimo is a selfish man. He may love xiaochengya, but more is his ridiculous possessive desire.

Nangong Yan's eyes widened: "what do you say? Your mother is in his hands? "

"That's right, Dad. Do you think I'm lying to you, too?" Ningmengyao looks at nangongyan calmly, but she is nervous.

If Nangong Yan still hasn't changed her mind to Baimo, she really dare not risk leaving her child here.

Nangong Yan is silent and doesn't speak, but the serious expression is so obvious. He still doesn't believe that Bai Mo will do such a thing.

Qiao Tianchang was also discontented: "I didn't expect that my father-in-law would rather believe in an outsider than his own daughter. In this case, we don't have much to say." Qiao Tianchang doesn't want to talk to Nangong Yan too much.

Regardless of Nangong Yan's sight, they took their children to Hongying.

"Sister Hongying, I've given you and my brother in white the two children. I hope you can guard against it from my father." She didn't want to say that if she could, but she was really disappointed.