Ning Mengyao didn't look at Xiao Ming, but took Qiao Tianchang's hand and walked out of Xiao Ming's side.

Looking at their back, Xiao Ming's face was gloomy and ugly.

No one has ever been able to do this to him, never.

Funny looking at Qiao Tianchang with a cold face, Ning Mengyao reaches out his hand and pinches Qiao Tianchang's face: "still angry?"

"I hate it when people look at you like this." Qiao Tianchang frowned coldly.

Ning Mengyao smiled and shook her head: "even if I look at it, I'm just yours."

"I like to hear that." Reach out to pull the hand off his face and hold it in the palm of his hand. The frost on Joe Tianchang's face is finally disappearing.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang's childish appearance and shakes her head with a smile: "let's go to find Xiao Ren."

Qiao Tianchang said, "I'm afraid the relationship between Xiao Ming and Xiao Ren is not so simple."

"Probably two grandchildren." Ning Mengyao didn't care at all.

Qiao Tianchang paused for a moment, then nodded: "mmm."

When they found Xiao Ren, he was in his own home. They didn't know what to think. They didn't even see him coming.

"Miss, are you here?" When Xiao Ren saw Ning Mengyao and them, he quickly asked.

Ning Mengyao nodded and glanced at Xiao Ren: "I don't want to be disturbed by anyone else while we are still here."

"Well? Who?

"That man is probably your grandson." Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Ren and finds that when she says this, Xiao Ren's face slightly changes. It doesn't seem so good-looking.

"Tomorrow? Don't worry, young lady. I know what to do. " Xiao Ren's voice was a little tired and worried.

Ningmengyao nodded, but didn't look at Xiaoren, so she turned around and went out.

"Grandpa How did you come to my house? " Just when they went out, they met Xiao Ming who came back. He looked at them in surprise.

Ning Mengyao glanced at Xiao Ming and said, "let's go and look around. Then let Xiao Ren take us out tomorrow." She doesn't have so much time to talk to Xiao Ming.


Being ignored by the two people's self love once, Xiao Ming's face was gloomy and terrible. He looked at the scene coldly and turned back to the house after they left.

"Grandpa, what are they doing?" Unable to get the answer from the two, Xiao Ming can only focus on his grandfather.

Xiao Ren sighed and looked at his grandson: "miss tomorrow said you should not disturb them again."

Xiao Ming's face stiffened, frowning discontentedly: "but grandpa..."

"Well, tomorrow, you should be able to see that the young lady is married and their relationship is very good. I don't want you to make any wrong decision." Xiao Ren frowned and interrupted his grandson.

Of course, he knows that the young lady is excellent, and it's no surprise that his grandson likes her. But what he can't accept is that when he knows that the other side has married, he still bothers others' lives.

"Who is your grandson, Grandpa? What if they get married? " Xiao Ming said, not caring at all.

After all these years, he didn't know what the women were like outside, but he was never so interested in them.

He just likes that woman and wants her to be his wife, even if she has already married?

Xiao Ren was stunned by his grandson's idea. He pointed at him after shaking, and his face was very ugly: "dare you."

"Well, I know what I'm doing." Xiao Ming looked at Xiao Ren impatiently and said.

Looking at the grandson who had just returned home, Xiao Ren turned around and left again. His face was full of regret. At the beginning, he shouldn't have let his grandson go out with them, or he would not be like this.

Now he has serious doubts about whether he is really fighting with ningmengyao for his insidious words.

Raising his hand, which was already very old, and covering his face, Xiao Ren felt that he had been entrusted by his father.