What Qingyuan wanted to say was stopped by Qingliu on the edge. It was their fault originally. Uncle Ren should punish them, and Xiao ran did violate the taboo of this place. What punishment will she face? They are not qualified to ask.

"Uncle Ren, we are going down." Qinghuai didn't look at Xiaoran's eyes, but looked at Xiaoren and said seriously.


After the three people left, little ran knew that he was afraid. There were three brothers on top of her all the time. No matter what she did, they would help her. But this time, little ran found that they could not help themselves.

"Uncle Ren, I know it's wrong. Forgive me." Xiao Ran is a smart man. He knows what it means to know the current affairs as a hero.

Big husbands can bend and stretch, let alone she is a little girl?

Xiao Ren looks at Xiao Ran's eyes, and sighs a little. Up to now, the child is still playing with them. How can he rest assured that such a person can follow her?

"Come on, stay with her and follow the rules." Xiao Ren said cruelly, almost ruthlessly to Xiao ran.

"Uncle Ren, you can't do that to me. I know it's wrong." If Xiaoran had not been afraid just now, she would have been.

According to the rules, what does it mean? No one knows better than Xiao ran. No one who goes in can come back alive.

She didn't think she was more powerful than a man.

Xiao Ren looked at Xiao ran coldly: "when you do such a thing, you should know that you will have this end."

If everyone does something wrong and knows it, what else should we do? It's a big joke.

Xiao Ran's bitter entreaty didn't make Xiao Ren feel any sympathy, but he was glad that the young lady didn't let her follow her. Otherwise, according to her present performance, if she was caught by someone at that time, wouldn't she be able to sell the young lady in a moment?

Thinking of this possibility, Xiao Ren's eyes are full of cruel breath. No matter who it is, you can't hurt the miss's life.

Xiaoran was finally taken away by someone else. Even if she suffered the most painful punishment, she survived, thinking that Xiaoming would come back to find her and save her.

But until her body has reached the limit, she can no longer bear the pain, Xiao Ming has not appeared in front of her, as if this person has never appeared.

After receiving their own punishment, they went to see Xiaoran. When they saw her dying, they couldn't bear to turn around. It was Xiaoran's own choice. No wonder others.

I don't know if Xiao ran knew that they were all outside: "I know it's wrong, elder brother. I'm afraid no more. Please help me."

Qinghuai shook his head and turned away.

Qingliu takes a look at Xiaoran inside and leaves behind Qinghuai, leaving only Qingyuan standing there.

Qingyuan looks at the backs of Qinghuai and Xiaoran, who keeps crying in the prison room, and finally leaves.

He was very clear that if they really pleaded for Xiao ran today, they would not know what kind of consequences Xiao ran would have in the end.

Little ran looked at the door with dull eyes. There was no one there. It seemed that their appearance just now was an accident.

Ha ha, has she been abandoned?

He said that he would be good to her all his life, and would not want her. Now even several brothers are unwilling to take care of her. All this is the fault of that woman. If she does not appear, all things will not develop to this point.

Uncle Ren will not punish himself for her, brothers, or alienate him.

After Xiao Ming left, he hated Xiao Ren in his heart. He was so ferocious that he wanted to eat people directly.