Xiao Ren didn't seem to see ningmengyao's dissatisfaction, and said seriously: "what happened at the beginning, in fact, no one knows the real reason, including the records in the ethnic group are not so comprehensive." It is only known from the history books that the two long princesses who appeared in Xiao Kingdom disappeared when they were 30 years old.

But seriously speaking, in fact, both of them had blood at that time, and they had always been on the continent, but they chose to live in seclusion.

So long time passed, only their master's blood continued, but not another Princess's.

It is said that the princess's blood had been severed a hundred years ago, leaving behind another large family.

"So? What do you want to say, uncle Ren? " Ningmengyao still listened to some confusion, when Qiao Tianchang on the edge frowned.

He seems to understand, but there are still some places not caught.

Xiao Ren helplessly stares at Ning Mengyao and says, "Miss, I want you to have some sense of crisis."

"I have no idea who those people are." Ningmengyao is very innocent.

Xiao Ren frowns at Ning Mengyao. His face is angry and helpless. It seems that there is no way to take Ning Mengyao.

"I'm not kidding you, miss."

"I'm serious, too."

Xiao Ren looks at Ning Mengyao without words, and finally his eyes fall on Qiao Tianchang. That's very obvious. Don't you mind, uncle?

"Yaoyao listen to Uncle Ren, this matter is very important." Since Xiao Ren can bring this matter to the end, it proves that the people of the Xiao family are determined to get the things here.

Xiao Ren nodded approvingly: "Miss, this matter is really very important. Those weapons are only available here, even the Xiao family does not have them."

Ning Mengyao was surprised and looked at Xiao Ren in surprise: "how could it be?"

If that's really the descendant of the long princess, how could she not leave something for the descendant, but come to fight for everything here, whether it's money or weapons.

Xiao Ren said with a wry smile, "no one will believe this, but it is true."

"Uncle Ren, tell me what you know." Ningmengyao finally faced up to the problem.

Xiao Ren took a deep breath: "when the master left the state of Xiao, he disappeared. Although he still appeared later, he didn't go to the state of Xiao. That's enough to show that the master didn't want to step into the state of Xiao again."

At the beginning of the long princess, because of her own non freedom, she never restricted what her posterity had to do or learn, all by their liking.

But slowly some people became ambitious and tried to get the master's things. Since then, all the information about weapons has been either destroyed or hidden in the back mountain. Since then, the Xiao family really wanted to get these things, but they had to let go of it.

I don't know when it started. The Xiao family heard that the owner had hidden a lot of things, so they were sending people to look for them all the time.

"They're looking for them. What are you so nervous about?"

"There is an unwritten rule in the Xiao family. Whoever finds it is his." Although the words are vague, but Ning Mengyao still understand, which means there are competitors?

Xiao Ren nodded to show that it was what she thought.

"I know all this, but I still have questions." Ningmengyao always feels that some places have not been figured out.

"Where did the first princess go?"

Xiao Ren took a look at Qiao Tianchang, took a deep breath, and said seriously, "do you know the west coast, uncle?"

Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Xiao Ren: "Xiao's family is on the west coast?"


Qiao Tianchang's lips raised a faint smile, but Ning Mengyao saw the excitement from it.

"The west coast? What kind of place is that? " She has never heard of this place.

Qiao Tianchang patted Ning Mengyao's hand to show her not to worry.

"Are you worried about the people over there coming?" Qiao Tianchang's words are to the point.