Xiaochengya looks at Baimo and laughs at himself: "at first, I would be like that because of you, right?"

At the beginning, they knew that they liked nangongyan, and they also said they would help her, but later they refused her request, even forbidding her to see nangongyan.

What happened in the middle? At that time, she didn't know at all. But now she thinks carefully. It's such a coincidence. She's in a coma. Yan goes to find medicine for herself, and she's taken away.

He was also locked in the dark stone room, which lasted for more than ten years.

Looking at his white abnormal hands, Xiao's eyes were full of self mockery.

"In fact, what you love most is yourself, but I'm just a cover for you." Xiao said suddenly.

Bai Mo was still worried about how to return to Xiao Chengya's question. Who knows she said that again.

"I don't have one. Can't ya'er believe me?"

Xiao Chengya looked at Bai Mo in silence, and after a long time said, "what else can you trust me?"

White ink opened his mouth, but there was no explanation at all.

Yeah, she doesn't believe it. She thinks he's like that. What else can explain that?

"Believe it or not, I love you no less than Nangong Yan." White ink looked at Xiao Chengya seriously and said word by word.

Xiao Chengya closed her lips tightly and looked at the white ink: "let me go, I want to see my daughter."

As soon as the white ink face changed, the expression changed a little ferocious and terrible: "impossible, you can only be mine." In Bai Mo's heart, Xiao Chengya's words are perfunctory. In fact, what she wants to see more is Nangong Yan.


White ink walked to the bedside step by step. When Xiao chenya didn't respond, he put out his hand to hold people tightly in his arms and ignored Xiao chenya's struggle. White ink said word by word: "no matter you hate me or want me to die, even if you have been imprisoned in this place, I won't let you see Nangong Yan for a moment. Don't even think about it."

The person he was thinking about woke up, but he was thinking about someone else. This feeling is really not good at all.

Xiao Chengya is very dissatisfied with the way white ink looks now.

"You let me go." Although she has been awake for a long time, she still sleeps for a long time after all. She can't keep up with all the functions of her body, so she can only be so soft and let him hold her, and even the strength of fakang is poor.

The more rebellious Xiao orange Ya is, the tighter Bai Mo holds: "ya'er, aren't you nice to be around me? What place in the world can't compare with Nangong Yan, do you want to do this to me? "

With a hysterical voice, let Xiao Chengya feel a little bad in the heart. Take a deep breath and press down the anger: "you let me go first."

Although Bai Mo didn't want to, he could also hear the anger and depression in Xiao Chengya's voice.

He knows that if it goes on like this, Xiao will probably do a lot of extreme things.

"You go, I want to be alone." The last person she wants to see now is Bai mo. when she sees him, she can't help thinking about what happened ten years ago.

White ink also wants to talk, but when he sees Xiao Chengya's resolute face, he can only nod his head in silence.

White ink walked away from the stone room step by step and turned around three times. After Xiao Chengya left and heard the sound, his tense body gradually relaxed.

Thinking of what happened today, Xiao felt that she was really too impulsive to wake up in front of white ink.

But when she heard what he said, she couldn't help it. She was afraid that her daughter would be harmed by white ink just like herself.

Because of this idea, after Bai Mo said those words, she finally couldn't help opening her eyes, so there was the scene just happened.

Hands tightly holding, pale back of the hand straight blue tendons, how can she leave this place?

At the time of Xiao Chengya's imagination, the sound of heavy objects moving came from the change.