The smile on Bai Mo's face disappeared when he saw Song Li, and his face sank.

"What are you doing?"

Song Li was angry, but she could not think of Bai Mo's identity. She could only say mildly, "Wang has been missing for a while. You are the national teacher of Miao. Wang is missing. Shouldn't the national teacher help to find him?"

White ink's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Song Li coldly: "are you accusing me?"

Song Li's face changed: "no, I just want to ask the national teacher for help." Shuddering to say this kind of words that she didn't believe, song Lidai found that her body had been soaked by cold sweat.

White ink turned to look at that face naturally Xiao orange ya, the corner of his mouth raised a sneer: "help? Did our teacher not help you? "

For the sake of that waste, he has gone to find Ning Mengyao and them. However, he did not expect that the two men were so hard and soft that they didn't care about anything. They just wanted to teach the king of Miao.

And time has passed so long, who knows if the king of Miao is still alive?

Of course, white ink won't say that, even if he thinks so.

Song Li looks at Bai Mo with a white face: "national teacher, do you know where Wang is?"

"How about knowing? What if I don't know? "

"Please tell me where the king is. I'll find it myself." Said Song Li, gnashing her teeth.

White ink reached out his hand and stroked his chin. He looked at Song Li with a smile: "you go to find it yourself? I'm really worried. You're dead before you find anyone. "

And Ning Mengyao, they have left here, they are not here at all.

After they left, he sent people to the yard, but he didn't find the king of Miao, which only shows one thing. The king of Miao was taken away by them.

Even if it was him, it was very troublesome to find someone now. How could he tell Song Li.

Song Li clenched her lips. Some didn't know what to do.

"National Teacher..."

"My people are still looking for you. It's not your business here. It's not your place to come." As soon as song Li was about to speak, she was interrupted by Bai mo.

Song Li is not willing to leave like this, but when she sees that Bai Mo has no intention of talking to her, she can only leave angrily.

Bai Mo ignores Song Li and just looks at the completion of the room. After the room is completely arranged, the smile on Bai Mo's face is finally much better.

That night, Bai Mo wanted to bring people out, at least to see people all the time.

However, when he arrived at the stone room, he found that Xiao Chengya, who was supposed to be lying on the bed, had disappeared.

the room is as like as two peas in the day, without any trace, but it is a missing person and a woman who has a heart to heart.

"What the hell is going on?" Nobody in this place knows that he is doing everything about Xiao Chengya himself.

But now people seem to disappear from the sky, which is not very good.

I looked over the whole stone room carefully, but at last I found that there was still no trace, even no trace of someone coming in.

The face is gloomy leave from the stone room, after white ink arrives at own room, gnash one's teeth of mouth: "immediately let a person go to Ning Mengyao they."

Xiao Chengya suddenly disappeared. There is only one possibility. It was taken away by Ning Mengyao.

It was only after he issued the order that he remembered later that the place was in his room, and it was still in the secret room. How did Ning Mengyao enter the stone room and take people away.

After calming down, Bai Mo's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled. Did she guess wrong? It's not right. If it wasn't for them, who took Xiao Chengya away? How did you take it?

Thinking about everything in the stone room carefully, there is really no sign of breaking through, even no sign of others. Is it Xiao Chengya who left by himself?

Just as the thought rose, it was denied by white ink. Xiao orange could not get off the bed, so how could she leave by herself.