What are these people trying to do?

From the actions and tone of those people, we can see that they are very disdainful to them. Since they have already disdained them, they are still fighting for the power here. This is basically two extremes.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and touched his chin: "you mean, there are many people in this group?"

"Yes, many of them are very powerful. Some people even invite them to their families or countries respectfully." It's all about taking out the things they've worked out and giving them to others.

"How could it be?" Qiao Tianchang has some accidents. How long has it been? How has it come to this point?

"Tianchang, do you have any news?"

Joe thought for a moment, then nodded, "some news, we know these people are from the west coast."

"The west coast? What are the people from that place doing here? " Xiao Qitian had some accidents. Unexpectedly, he was the one who came out of the place where he thought he was superior, and he came out so many times.

No wonder those people can't see it no matter who they look at it.

"They're looking for the treasure, and I suspect there are a lot of people on the west coast before this continent." If not, then they can't have such a big action when they come here. They don't know how to write fear at all.

"What do you mean..."

"Yes, I'm afraid those people have been uneasy and kind-hearted for a long time, and Nangong Yan is a subordinate of Xiao Luoyan. When we were in Miao, Nangong Yan faced Yao Yao with swords, and Yao Yao almost got hurt." Qiao Tianchang thinks it's necessary to tell him about these things. When the time comes, something will happen.

"What? This... How is this possible? " Even Nangong Yan is from there? And also to Yao Yao?

Isn't Mengyao his daughter? How could he have done it?

"There's nothing to be surprised about. You've learned something slowly. Now we need to discuss the countermeasures."

"Well, let's go to the palace to see brother."

"OK, I'll talk to Yao Yao." They are in the study now, and Ning Mengyao is chatting with Mu Xue in the yard outside.

"I'm with you."

They said something about going to the palace, but the two women disliked their wordiness and waved impatiently, which seemed to be catching flies no matter what.

Helplessly shrugged, Qiao Tianchang and Xiao Qitian left together, the latter said, after the busy will come to pick up Mu Xue, and then left.

"Yao'er, your experiences are really interesting. I also want to go out and have fun." She could still run around when she didn't get married, but after she got married, everything seemed to be limited. Although she had a good life, Xiao Qitian was obedient to her, and no other woman came to block her, but she still felt not free.

White Mu snow one eye: "you come on, wait for your child to be a little older, after all the things here are handled, let Qi Tian take you to go around together."

Ningmengyao has a premonition that after this event, this continent will be reshuffled. As for the final result, ningmengyao thinks that it is likely that one country will dominate the world, or that several forces will divide the whole world, but it is certain that people on the west coast will not succeed no matter what their purpose.

Xiao Qifeng in the palace listened to Qiao Tianchang's conjecture. Although he thought it was incredible, he believed it.

"Tianchang is as good as you think. I'm afraid we should make a good investigation of Xiao Guo." If so, then he really worried about when someone would come out and drag them back or even make trouble for him.

"It's time to do this, but don't worry. If there are people from the west coast in Xiao Kingdom, they will definitely have actions, and it's not too late to start." Now it's too slow for a family to check. Why don't we wait a little longer, lead the snake out of the hole, and then catch it? It's time-saving and labor-saving. Why do we have to work on our own?

Xiao Qifeng laughed, and his idea coincided with Qiao Tianchang.