If the whole world is unified, then he and Yaoyao can go around and have fun. Don't worry about when all kinds of things will happen again.

Xiao Qifeng just thought that there was something wrong with Xiao's Congress and people, but he didn't think about it. Now, hearing Qiao Tianchang's words, he thinks it's an opportunity.

He didn't want to unify the world, but at least he wanted to make this place free of so many moths.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qifeng's eyes narrowed slightly: "Tianchang, I understand what you mean, but I still need to discuss it well."

"Well, I know. I'll go back first. What can I do then?" He also said something about it. Now he wants to go back and have a good rest with Ning Mengyao.

"Well, you go back to rest." Knowing that Qiao Tianchang had just come back and needed a rest, Xiao Qifeng didn't keep him either. He told people to leave after two sentences.

Xiao Qitian had planned to talk to Xiao Qifeng about something, but when he thought of Mu Xue in the general's mansion, he didn't keep it, but left with Qiao Tianchang.

When they returned to the general's mansion, they saw what ningmengyao and muxue were talking about, and they were very close.

Two possessive men are not happy. Qiao Tianchang throws a knife in the eye, which means to show clearly that you can take your daughter-in-law away from me as far as you can.

Xiao Qitian also snorted, went to hug Mu Xue's waist and said with full possession: "Xueer Mengyao have just come back, they need to rest, shall we go back first?"

Muxue didn't like it, but she nodded at the sight of the fatigue in ningmengyao's eyes: "OK, I'll come back in two days."

"Good." Although the mouth is a good promise, but the heart is to deny the death.

When his daughter-in-law saw Mengyao, she didn't see him in her heart. This is going on. Where else is his position?

Qiao Tianchang and Xiao Qitian have the same idea. After a few days' rest, he will take ningmengyao to Baishan village to let the woman muxue not have the chance to pester his Yao'er.

After the two left, Qiao Tianchang ignored Ning Mengyao's objection and picked up the man to their room.


Ning Mengyao stares at Qiao Tianchang. Is there any human rights?

The news of Qiao Tianchang's return soon spread all over the capital. Those ministers who almost forgot the general and the general's wife couldn't help being curious. It was ah Jin who left so long. Where did they go?

No matter how curious the people outside are, it doesn't matter to Ning Mengyao. After all, their ideas have nothing to do with them.

However, in a secluded yard, Xiao Luoyan squints at the person in front of her: "do you think ningmengyao and his wife have come back? So fast? " It's not long since they came here. Both of them have come back, which is amazing.

Nangong Yan stands on one side, the red in his eyes has faded away, and his appearance has lost his old spirit, but he is a bit decadent.

Xiao Luoyan takes a look at Nangong Yan, and his eyes are full of disgust: "you should know your identity, but you still have real feelings for the people here."

Nangong Yan didn't talk much with his head down, just looked at Xiao Luoyan lightly and didn't talk at all.

However, Xiao Luoyan frowned: "what kind of eyes do you have?"

Nangong Yan silently turned his head: "I can listen to you, but you don't want me to hurt their mother and daughter."

For so many years, he has almost forgotten his identity, especially after finding this daughter, the joy of family makes him seem to forget everything, but reality has given him a heavy blow, making him have no face to see his wife and daughter again.

As long as the thought of Xiao Chengya's disbelieving, even some hateful eyes, Nangong Yan's heart is extremely painful.

All these things he didn't want, but why did things become like this?