In the morning of the next day, Joe mofeng got up. Looking at his brother who was still sleeping, he went to the villa to run for two rounds first, washed and changed clothes, and then woke up Joe mofeng.

"Brother." Qiao moshang rubs his eyes and wakes up dazzled. He sees Qiao Moshan's small head leaning against his arms and wants to continue sleeping.

He reached out his hand and rubbed his younger brother's little brain melon. Joe mofeng's eyes were full of spoiled colors: "wake up, Shanger. Today, we will go to the mountain to pick fruit with our parents."

However, Qiao moshang is obviously not interested in it. Seeing this, Qiao Moshan can only help him put on his clothes and go out with the sleepy Qiao moshang.

Looking at the little son still sleeping, Ning Mengyao frowned: "feng'er let the little monkey sleep at home. He is still young. When he grows up, we will take him with us, and you will bring him some fruit."

Qiaomofeng looked at the sleeping qiaomofeng finally can only nod helplessly: "well then."

Take the younger brother back to the room, and give Qingxue their careful advice, then go downstairs to find ningmengyao and them.

After dinner, a family of three went up the mountain with baskets and looked at the hillside which was not the same as that of Miao, Qiao mofeng was very interested, especially looking at all kinds of fruits, the mood would be better.

When Ning Mengyao saw that he was interested, he also pointed out some fruits that he could eat and let him pick them by himself. It was Qiao Tianchang who took his bow and arrow to hunt.

The mother and son picked a lot of fruit in a short time, but Qiao Tianchang got even more, and there was an adult wild deer.

"Let's have a barbecue tonight." After seeing the deer, Ning Mengyao's first thought is this.


"Dad is so powerful." Qiao mofeng's eyes brightened to see Qiao Tianchang. When can he be as powerful as his father?

Qiao Tianchang reached out and patted Qiao mofeng on the shoulder: "practice martial arts well, and you can do it later."


After wandering on the mountain for a while, a family of talents went back, but the harvest stunned the people in the villa.

When Maureen saw that they had come back from the outside and had so many good things with them, he immediately blew up.

"Tianchang, are you not my friend when you go hunting in the mountain? No, you have to come with me again. " When Maureen was on the west coast, he would play occasionally. Now when he saw that this man had abandoned himself to hunt, he was furious. Is this still a friend?

"No time." He is busy now. He has no time to go crazy with him.

"Hello, is that how you treat your friends?"


Qiao Tianchang took the prey to one side and began to rest with his sleeve. Seeing this, Maureen could only follow him gloomily: "I said, you can't be better to me?"

Turning around, he looked at Maureen up and down for a while, and Joe Tianchang shook his head in disgust: "why should I treat you better? You are not my daughter-in-law. "

Molin's anger: "you can't be nice to others without your daughter-in-law?"

"Yes, besides my daughter-in-law, I can be nice to my son." Of course, the tone of voice, let the expression of Maureen instant change crack.

He put out his hand and pushed Qiao Tianchang for a while: "what's that you said?"

"Keep away from me. I have no eyes for swords. Don't blame me if I hurt you then." He said and drew the knife in his hand.

Molin swallowed his saliva and stepped back: "OK, I'll go I can't go yet. "

Seeing Maureen's understanding, Qiao Tianchang stopped teasing him. He turned his head and continued his movements. Maureen stood not far away and watched.

Looking at the smooth movement, Maureen could not help frowning. Isn't he a general? Why How familiar are you with these things?

"Tianchang, do you often do such things?"

"A few years as a hunter."

"Is it?"

"Get out of here, Maureen." When they had a chat, there was a very unpleasant voice at the door.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly. It was the woman.

"You brought people here?"