Although Chong didn't say what to do obviously, the smile in that eye, however, can't be ignored, and the brightness is amazing.

"In fact, you like it here, don't you?"


After Song Yan was sent away again, the expression on her face has always been ugly. In her heart, this is to provoke her.

Such an idea made song Yan lose his temper after finding the family of song, and the people of Song family only knew that song Yan had eaten shriveled food in Molin after asking, and it was only for two unknown people.

This news, let Song family's person immediately some exasperation: "damn Mo Lin, unexpectedly dare."

Song Yan looked at his father wrongly and said, "Dad, you must avenge me."

The head of the Song family stretched out his hand and rubbed his daughter's head. He said seriously, "Yan'er, don't worry, dad will not let you suffer the grievance in vain."

Although song Yan is not a boy, she is no more favored than her brother in the family, but because song Yan is cute and sweet-natured, she has coaxed all the elders of the Song family to be obedient. Not only that, even those of the Mo family are coaxed to be happy, but also to let song Yan be their daughter-in-law, so that song Yan's identity in the Song family rises.

For a long time, song Yan has always been a favored girl, but now she has been bullied. How can the leader of the Song family not be angry?

"Dad, I want those two dead." Song Yan's expression is distorted and ferocious. All her grievances and grievances should be recovered from those two people.

As for Maureen, if he doesn't apologize to her, he will never forgive him.

The Song family leader patted his daughter on the shoulder: "OK, tell Dad where they are? Dad will go with you. "

Song Yan immediately satisfied, said a place, a group of people riding a horse quickly toward the Baishan village.

Two days later, they finally came to the dreamlike villa and saw everything in it. Song Yan's eyes were full of hatred.

"That's where Dad Molin's favorite bitch lives."

The head of the Song family looked at this place unexpectedly. I didn't expect that there was such a good Chuang Tzu in this place.

The obvious calculation flashed through the bottom of the eye. After half a sound, he said, "this place is good for us to rest."


"Well, dad knows. Let's go in."

When the master of the Song family just stepped into Chuang Tzu, he suddenly heard a dog barking. Soon, a dozen big dogs were grinning their teeth and looking at the people in front of them.

One of them is still shouting.

Inside, Ning Mengyao and others heard the voice, frowning slightly: "someone forced in." If not, the dogs wouldn't have barked like that.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "there are indeed people coming in, and there are many, let's go and have a look." In general, few people will come to this place. In addition to coming here to collect goods, even if they do, they will go to the next door instead of running to the villa.

Maureen followed Qiao Tianchang and went out behind them. When he saw those people at the door, his eyebrows were wrinkled to death. It was the Song family.

Seeing song Yan's haughty appearance, she sneers at her heart. Such a woman is dying.

"Song Yan, do you want to die?"

Song Yan suddenly hears Mo Lin's gloomy voice. His body is frozen in vain. He looks at Mo Lin subconsciously. When he sees Mo Lin like that, song Yancai realizes later that this man is never that easy to get along with.

"Maureen, do you think we are all dead? Let those who know where they are and let us rest here. " The Song family leader saw that Maureen was even in front of him, so he asked his daughter for trouble. He frowned and looked at Maureen very displeased. At the same time, he said in a big way.

Ningmengyao was going to stand by and watch the bustle. Who knows that someone even took a fancy to her place.

With a sneer, he went to Qiao Tianchang's side and looked at the owner up and down: "it's the rule of the west coast to forcibly seize, or people from the west coast are so domineering and rude."