"When life forces you to go nowhere, even an ordinary person can inspire unbelievable potential." Ning Mengyao shrugged and said casually.

She doesn't know if other people are like this, but she must be like this, and isn't it forced by life that Joe Tianchang can go from a child to today?

If she is not willing to live in such a flat life, she can only go forward bravely, even if she will be injured in the end, she is, Qiao Tianchang is, and some people around her are also so.

Looking at ningmengyao like this, Maureen opened his mouth, but finally lowered his head in silence. He had the feeling of being cornered.

"You're right." Molin's mouth slightly raised, looking at Ning Mengyao's face with a thick smile.

"I don't think their family will just let it go. They still need to be prepared." On that kind of villain, how can we really just put it down?

"They can come and have a try," said Ning Mengyao

Maureen looked at Ning Mengyao in amazement: "what do you mean?"

"This time I just don't want to worry too much about them because they are guests, but I'm not so lucky to have another time." Joe Tianchang, who was listening to the two, suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

If they are not so high-profile, they will not come to this point, at least they will give some face, but unfortunately, these people do not know how to write low-key words.

The Song family's affairs were soon forgotten by Ning Mengyao. The workshop's affairs left her no time to pay attention to those people for the time being.

Standing in the workshop, looking at the turned over place, the corners of the mouth slightly hook: "they started?"


"Very well." Ning Mengyao looks at the small room in the workshop without expression.

This room is used to put some important things, such as some account books.

But now the account books in this room have been turned upside down. Not only that, some of the more valuable furnishings in it have also been taken away.

"Is that what miss has done?" Qingliu looks at Ning Mengyao and frowns. He is dissatisfied.

Forget it? Ningmengyao sneers. How could it be done like this? If it is done like this, those people will think they are incompetent.

"How many people are doing it now?" Ningmengyao sat on the chair and looked out of the window, asked faintly.


"The rest are still motionless?" Ningmengyao had some accidents. He thought that there were several people who had started. Who knows that there were only three.

Qingliu nodded: "yes, those people are much smarter than those three who do it." They have been waiting for a good chance.

Ning Mengyao played with the bracelet on her wrist: "I know."

Qingliu looks at ningmengyao by accident. Some don't understand what she means. Shouldn't he go to find the lost things now? Why is miss still so calm, just like Nothing happened.

Ningmengyao looked at Qingliu like this, and shook her head gently: "soon you will know why I did that."

Only by giving enough opportunities to those people can the people behind become more and more greedy. Otherwise, how can she see those people's unbelievable and surprised eyes at the end.

What else does Qingliu want to say? It's just to see ningmengyao's self-confidence, as if she controls everything in her hands. She is silent immediately. Maybe she is much more powerful than they know.

"Qingliu, don't worry so much. If you have nothing to worry about, you can go around the workshop, just like them."

"Miss here..."

"It doesn't matter. There's nothing to do now. You can do whatever you like. You don't need to be rigid. This is not the back mountain of Miao. You don't need to tense your nerves all the time. You can adapt well to Qinghuai and Qingyuan." Ningmengyao is very satisfied with Qingliu's vigilance.

But more is helpless, after all, now all things have not surfaced, do not be so nervous.