Dead looking at the man in front of him: "after fighting against me and hurting my mother, do you think you are still the Nangong Yan I relied on? Nangong Yan I know has already died. "

"Yao'er, no matter how much you hate me, I am your father, which is an unchangeable fact." He really didn't expect that Ning Mengyao should hate him to this extent.

Ning Mengyao suddenly laughs: "I'm not as good as my father for many years, but I've survived? You've been my father for a few days, and you really take yourself seriously? " Ning Mengyao looks at Nangong Yan ironically.

"You Ningmengyao, you are just making trouble. Who taught you this? To speak to his father like this. " Nangong Yan is probably also furious. He even said such a thing.

However, no matter when, he has never been so insulted, especially as a junior, who is his beloved daughter.

Ningmengyao didn't seem to think nangongyan would say such a thing. The whole person looked a little silly: "you blame me? Stand at my door and accuse me? Who do you think you are

"I'm your father?"

"My father? Ha ha, Nangong Yan, you can't help looking at yourself too much. When you start to fight my people, when you start to fight me, when you beat my mother half dead, there's only hatred between me and you. As for father daughter friendship, don't make fun of it, OK? " Ningmengyao really didn't know where nangongyan came from. If you say that, you don't want that old face.

"Miss, there are more than twenty people in black in Chuang Tzu. Their purpose is to have two young masters." Qingyuan came out of Chuang Tzu with a long sword in his hand, all of which were bloodstained.

Qiao Tianchang's face changed: "are Fenger and Shanger OK?"

"Don't worry, the two young masters are OK."

Ning Mengyao looses his grip on Qiao Tianchang, and moves towards Nangong Yan, who is pale when he hears that both children are OK.

"Running here to make trouble is to delay our time and let your people catch my two children, isn't it? But Nangong Yan, didn't you think? They didn't get it, Qingyuan and Qinghuai. " In the world, there are two scales in ningmengyao, which can't be handled.

The first is Qiao Tianchang's father and son. The second is Xiao Chengya who doesn't know how to do it now.

Now these people dare to touch her son and send more than 20 experts. They really look up to her two sons.

Nangong Yan dodged when Qinghuai and other two people were fighting, but Qiao Tianchang didn't.

Qiao Tianchang put out his hand and grabbed Nangong Yan's neck: "once I stepped on your father-in-law, but today you are fighting against my son. Do you think I am dead?"

It's really damned that these people dare to play tricks under their own eyes.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect this small mountain village to have such experts, such beautiful scenery and such beautiful people." A soft voice came from all directions. I couldn't tell where it came from.

Ning Mengyao frowned: "who are you?"

"We'll see each other soon. As for this man? I'll take it first. " Before the words were heard, there was a white fog in front of all the people. After the fog disappeared, Qiao Tianchang covered his chest and his mouth was covered with blood, and Nangong Yan in his hand had been taken away.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the front with a dignified expression: "even such experts have come, Yao Yao Yao we have to work hard."

They have to speed up the cultivation of xueluo sword and junluo sword. I hope they can have some effect at that time.

"Who is Tianchang? It seems that it's not Xiao Luoyan, but is Nangong Yan not Xiao Luoyan's person? Why does it come out so suddenly? " Ningmengyao reached out and rubbed his brow and heart. He couldn't understand the situation at all.

Qiao Tianchang shook his head: "I don't know that. This man's martial arts are very good. You must be careful in the future."

Since becoming a general, Joe Tianchang has not felt this for a long time.