Qiao Tianchang laughed at himself: "no wonder Yaoyao won't let you talk to me. Let's go and have a look."

Carefully get up from the bed, take one side of the clothes on the bed, regardless of the opposition of Nanyu and go out.

At the gate of the house, Xiao Qitian looked at Ning Mengyao with cold face, as if they had never known each other, but were strangers.

Qiao Tianchang looks at such Xiao Qitian and suddenly smiles.

"Qitian, you have changed."

Xiao Qitian's hand holding the sword was tight, and there were blue tendons on the back of his hand, but there was still no expression on his face.

He can't let Mu Xue and the children have an accident, so he can only let them suffer grievances.

Although they will become enemies after today, he will not hesitate.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qitian with a self mocking smile on his lips. Is he the only one among them?

All of a sudden, Joe Tianchang felt that it was stupid to make his wife afraid for their brothers.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qitian: "have you decided?"

Xiao Qitian was silent for a moment, and then said, "as long as she can hand over tongbaozhai, it will be OK. Xueer will be OK."

This last sentence, perhaps is what Xiao Qi naivete is trying to say.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Qitian and suddenly laughed, "Xiao Qitian, how could I not find that you are so selfish before?"

Maybe everyone will be selfish, but some people are just a little bit, while some people just think of themselves, and Xiao Qitian seems to belong to the latter.

Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao and says, "aren't you selfish? As long as you let go, you can save the snow. "

Ning Mengyao suddenly laughed, "Xiao Qitian, I really look up to you."

Nan Yu looks at Xiao Qitian with the eyes of an idiot. Can you say such words? Is this really the wise Prince Qi?

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, who do you think Mu Xue is? She can be one of the four masters of tongbaozhai when she is very young. Do you think she is so stupid? " Seeing Xiao Qitian like this, Ning Mengyao felt that he had never known Mu Xue.

Xiao Qitian's face changed and he looked at Ning Mengyao dead. His thoughts rolled in his eyes and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Xiao Qitian, you still have one last chance." Ning Mengyao suddenly opens his mouth and looks at Xiao Qitian and says it's not clear.

Xiao Qitian's eyes flickered slightly at first, then his eyes were firm: "as long as we can save Xueer, we will not hesitate to be enemies and friends with the whole world."

It was a pity that Ning Mengyao should clap his hands to this man, but he thought Xiao Qitian was stupid.

"Come out for the snow." Ningmengyao light mouth, and the opposite Xiao Qitian is suddenly stare big Shun Yan.

What does she mean? Is muxue not in the hands of the emperor brother, but in ningmengyao here?

But Thinking of the man he saw in Xiao Qifeng's hand, Xiao Qitian's face suddenly changed.

"Ning Mengyao, do you think I will believe you?" He has determined before that the person in Xiao Qifeng's hand is indeed Mu Xue. If that person is mu Xue, who is this person here? This is enough to show that the people here are pretending to be Ning Mengyao. The purpose is to let him out of here.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qitian strangely, then sneers, "it seems that some people don't believe that you are really bathing in the snow at all."

Mu Xue walked out of the room step by step with a big stomach. She heard what she said just now. Although she was angry at the beginning, she was more sweet. But at this moment, all the sweetness in her heart was broken up.

Just now all the happiness, all the sweetness, seem to be mocking her.

"Qi Tian, do you really think I'm not mu Xue?" Mu Xue asked Xiao Qitian without any expression.

When he didn't see people, Xiao Qitian thought it was fake, but after seeing it, Xiao Qitian found that he couldn't distinguish them.