Ningmengyao was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "yes, this height is only very normal in that place, where the highest hug has dozens of layers, and the highest here is only nine layers." Modern tall buildings are impossible to build here.

But it is the first person to build such a house here.

"So high? How was it built? " Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao in shock.

When he saw these houses, he had been very surprised. Now he even heard that there were higher ones, which made him only use shock to describe his mood at this time.

Ningmengyao shrugged and said casually, "with machinery, there is nothing here." If you build such a tall building by yourself, you will be exhausted.

What else did Qiao Tianchang want to ask, but ningmengyao didn't give him the chance: "well, go and have a look."

Looking at Ning Mengyao walking in front of him, Qiao Tianchang felt his nose awkwardly. He seemed to ask too much.

After Ning Mengyao's death, Qiao Tianchang walked inside with the child in his arms.

The more you go inside, the more shocking Qiao Tianchang's eyes are. Compared with the outside, this place is isolated from the world and becomes a world.

There are many people here. The old people are chatting in the open field. The children are running and playing there. They can hear the sound of reading in the distance. It seems to be from the school here.

This Baishan village is a pattern, but it is many times larger than that.

"This is a nice place." Qiao Tianchang sighed heartily.

Qingshuang and they all laughed, and Qingxuan said in front of them: "I'm just outside. You're so shocked. If you go to the place where the young lady lives, aren't you going to be shocked?"

Although the house here is very good, it is quite different from the lady's house. The gap is not too big.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the quiet Ning Mengyao beside him and asked curiously, "what's your house like?"

"You don't know when you go?"

About half an hour later, Qiao Tianchang and his wife arrived at ningmengyao's yard. In modern times, it was a luxurious villa. No matter what it was, it looked like a modern villa.

"It's a beautiful house." Joe Tianchang, who is well-informed, came to this place and found that he seemed to have become mentally retarded. He didn't know a lot of things.

"It's just outside. Inside is the best." They said with a smile.

Qiao Tianchang can't wait to see it, but when he does, he doesn't know what to describe it.

Just entering the gate, there was a large garden in it. The garden here was different from that in Baishan village. The flowers were mixed and planted together, but it made him feel very eye-catching.

In front of the house there is a small pond, in which there are all kinds of lotus flowers.

"You are really..."

"In addition to these things, there are swimming pools, horse farms, and many other things here. I'm interested in you letting Qingxuan and Fenger take you with them. I'm so tired. I'll go to have a rest first." Ningmengyao reached out and rubbed the tired eyebrow heart. It was sleepy between the eyebrows.

When Qiao Tianchang saw her, he could only nod: "OK, I'll take them around and come back later." Joe Tianchang is going to take the children to explore before he enters the door.

And Xiao Qifeng seems to be very interested in this family, eyes shining around: "Dad here is much more beautiful than the village."

When Qingxuan heard what he said, he couldn't help laughing: "big young master, it took us a long time to build this place. It's certainly not comparable to that place."

The time spent in this place at the beginning can't help but amaze Qingxuan. It took almost a year for the people who built the houses in this frame. Later, they had decoration and so on. At that time, he didn't want to think about it.

Qiao Tianchang is the first time to hear about ningmengyao from other people's mouth, but whether her appearance is a little outrageous.

But this kind of ningmengyao, he felt so lovely.