Qiao Tianchang nodded: "it's good to have some news. Yao Yao told you to continue to do the things before. In addition, he found Nangong Yan and brought back the people. Remember what I want to live."

He has some other things to ask Nangong Yan, but he can't let people die like that. It doesn't mean much to die.

"Don't worry, my aunt. I have been told by the young lady. On the other hand, Yulin villa will be here soon." Some people have retreated from the outside world, and the industry is also rapidly declining. Some other countries have been hit to varying degrees.

When Qiao Tianchang heard this, he was relieved: "since this is the case, I'll be relieved, but it's better to be careful."

"Don't worry, my uncle. All the people who can come in this place are loyal. Although there are some shrimps in the outside industry, they have been cleaned up by others." These things had been dealt with when we went to Miao.

Don't really say that this investigation found out a lot of rats, some of them even tried to muddle through, and finally all of them were caught?

Qiao Tianchang silently looks at Qingshuang, but he has no choice. What he thought of, Ning Mengyao had thought of. But

is also, no matter what forces, there will be other people's eyes, no matter how strict your management is.

But like Ning Mengyao, if he doesn't make a move, he'll hit the one who must hit. He hasn't seen that much.

"In that case, I'll be relieved." Qiao Tian thinks about it. It seems that there is really nothing for her to arrange. Now let Qingshuang and them leave.

After they left, Qiao Tianchang noticed the books on the bookshelf in the study. Many of them were single books, and some he had never seen before.

I took out a book and read it carefully. Gradually, Qiao Tianchang was attracted by the contents of the book.

Ningmengyao comes down with two children and finds that Qiao Tianchang doesn't know where he is. At last, he knows in the mouth of Qingshuang that he is in the study.

Strangely, Qiao Tianchang opened the door and read a book carefully. Seeing this, Ning Mengyao shook her head and laughed.

"Qingshuang, tell sister Mei they should come back." When Merlin and them come back, everything will be in order.


She reached out and stroked her stomach. Although she was in a bad condition now, she would not allow anyone to hurt her child.

After receiving the news from ningmengyao, Yufeng prepared all the things to be prepared and sent them away secretly. Later, Yufeng took his wife and children with him to the base camp of tongbaozhai, and left many spies along the way.

When the villa leader of Yulin mountain villa left with his wife and the baby who had just been born, there was an uproar from the surrounding people, especially Xiao Qifeng.

"Where on earth did they go." In this period of time, he was about to turn the continent around, but no one was found.

In the past, I thought of relying on Yulin villa to find people, but now even the other party is missing, which is a blow to Xiao Qifeng.

However, this is not the most difficult thing for him. The most difficult thing for him is that after they disappeared, almost all the shops in tongbaozhai in this continent closed at the same time, as if the shop had never been opened.

Before, I never thought that there would be such a result, brother Xiao Qifeng. That's why I know what kind of terrible effect tongbaozhai will bring.

"What the hell do they want to do?" Xiao Qifeng listened to the report of his finance minister, and his face was gloomy.

In just two days, Xiaoguo's economy was half paralyzed, and the other half was supported by xiaoqitian's industries. But xiaoqifeng understood that it was only a matter of time.

For a long time, Xiao Qitian's industry couldn't last.

"What shall we do now, emperor?" The chancellor of the exchequer said anxiously that if we go on like this, we will not need other countries to send troops, and Xiao will perish, although the current situation of other countries will not be much worse.

Xiao Qitian stood on the edge and looked at the two people. Their eyes flashed bitter. They still looked down on Ning Mengyao, thinking that she would take the world as the most important.