Xiao Luoyan's face is green and white because of Xiao Qifeng's words. It's ugly. But when he saw Xiao Qifeng's face, he didn't want to look like that. He wanted to get angry. He couldn't get angry.

"Xiaoqifeng is now Xiaoguo. Do you think it is the same as ever? The kingdom of Xiao is over. " As long as you see Xiao Qifeng like this, Xiao Luoyan is angry and can only vent his anger in this way.

Xiao Qifeng continued to deal with the matter in his hand, as if Xiao Luoyan had not heard at all.

Xiao Luoyan looks at such Xiao Qifeng as if he is beating cotton with a fist. He has no fun at all.

"Are you not afraid?" Xiao Luoyan is not willing to let it go. He looks at Xiao Qifeng and asks.

"Afraid? What am I afraid of? The west coast has put so many people here. Wouldn't it be a great loss if we didn't take this opportunity to clean up our feelings? What's more, this is a good chance to shuffle the mainland. I'm not happy yet. Why should I be afraid? " Xiao Qifeng put down the pen and the memorials in his hand, and slightly hooked up the corners of his mouth, which looked very happy.

At the beginning, Xiao Luoyan didn't return to his taste. After Xiao Qifeng finished, he immediately understood his meaning.

"You lied to us?"

"Cheat? No, no, No. how can we say that? It's just a matter of reciprocity. What do you want to achieve with me? I want to use you to reshuffle. Isn't that a good result? " Xiao Qifeng in front of Xiao Luoyan, finally did not hide his ideas, he looked at Xiao Luoyan's eyes even with obvious irony.

Xiao Luoyan carefully thought over all the things, and suddenly his eyes widened: "quarrel with Qiao Tianchang, let them leave this place, and then tongbaozhai riot, these are all in your calculation?"

"You look too high at me. I just made a few comments casually. It's not me but you who really implement it. As for the result As long as it's what I want. " Xiao Qifeng leaned on the chair and smiled at Xiao Luoyan.

He was very clear that Ning Mengyao would be angry when he knew that Qiao Tianchang was seriously injured. If he provoked him again at this time, he would not dare to think about what Tong Baozhai did to people, but the result must be what he wanted.

In fact, when doing these things, he was afraid that he could not achieve the effect he wanted. He was afraid that there would be problems with Qiao Tianchang. However, Ning Mengyao's practice reassured him completely, but he blamed himself for Qiao Tianchang. After all, he was a good brother who had been planning for him since he knew him.

"Xiao Qifeng, you calculate me." Xiao Luoyan's eyes are like shooting fire. He looks at Xiao Qifeng dead.

At this time, Xiao Qitian came out from behind the screen and stood beside Xiao Qifeng. He looked coldly at the man who could not help but want to start: "how do you want to fight?"

Xiao Qifeng looked at Xiao Qitian and sighed, "Qi Tian is sorry."

"You don't have anything to apologize for." Xiao Qitian turns around and ignores Xiao Qifeng. Even if he doesn't do that, just tell them that they will still help him, but Xiao Qifeng doesn't even discuss it, so he makes a decision and does so many things that hurt them.

Although it is now known that he is also forced, Xiao Qitian still has no way to forgive him.

Xiao Qifeng sighed, did not continue to speak, but looked at him in silence.

"Xiao Qitian? Don't you hate him? "

"This is our own business. It has nothing to do with you." Xiao Qi snorted in the cold.

There is no room for others to interfere in their affairs.

Xiao Luoyan is very dissatisfied with his failure to stir up the relationship between them, but that doesn't mean that he really has to bear with these two people.

"You are looking for death. Don't kill people. Just leave a breath." The LORD said that he could not kill them. That's right, but he didn't say that he could teach these boys who don't know the heaven and the earth?