"I'll take care of Qitian. You just need to live a good life in the future." Since the mistake has been made, Xiao Qifeng has absolutely no intention of involving Xiao Qitian.

However, Xiao Qitian smiled coldly: "in this case, what else can we say?"

Don't give Xiao Qifeng a chance to talk, and Xiao Qi doesn't go back.

After he left, Xiao Qifeng's confidant appeared beside him: "master, you will hurt the Lord in this way."

"I know, but he can't interfere in it." Why didn't Xiao Qifeng know that his self righteousness would hurt Xiao Qitian? But things have come to this point, and he can't pull people in, which is unfair to him.

However, what Xiao Qifeng didn't know was that what Xiao Qitian wanted was not to be fair, but to stand side by side with him. However, Xiao Qifeng didn't give him this opportunity, or even the opportunity to talk. In this case, there is nothing to say.

On the way back to the palace, Xiao Qitian's heart was always very uncomfortable. He covered his eyes with his hands. Xiao Qitian's eyes were full of self mockery. In his heart, he didn't even have the ability to help him.

"See king Qi."

The quiet venue was suddenly disturbed by people. Xiao Qitian's face was not very good-looking. He looked at the woman in front of him coldly: "what's the matter?"

The face of the woman in front of her is a little stiff. What does that make her say?

Xiao Qi's heart was inflamed. He spoke to this man patiently: "if you have nothing to do, go away."

Watching Xiao Qitian leave from his side, and still with this attitude, the woman's face turned pale, then full of haze.

She knows that Princess Qi doesn't know where to go. It seems that she has disappeared. Now it's her best chance. Although king Qi is not the emperor, he is the most important person in Xiaoguo besides the emperor. As long as she can get his favor, the troubles at home will be solved.

What happened in Xiaoguo's capital city didn't take long for ningmengyao to know.

After learning this, Ning Mengyao was surprised.

"What's the matter?"

"Xiao Qifeng and Xiao Luoyan fought. Although they all suppressed this matter, they were discovered by our people, and they were both defeated." Ning Mengyao said strangely.

They're partners anyway, right? How can we suddenly fight? Even if you fight, since you are injured.

Yu Feng took the letter paper in Ning Mengyao's hand and looked at it, then threw it aside: "I'm afraid there is something we don't know. As for what it is, I'm afraid it's only their people who know about it, and that is to let people look at them." If anything happens, just look at them and you'll always find the feet.

Ningmengyao nodded: "I think so too. Only watching them can we get more information. Nangongyan can't move now." Speaking of this, Ning Mengyao's face is a little ugly.


"There is a mysterious man over there. No matter what we do secretly, the other side will destroy it." This time both can accept, but this time is long, she has no way not to think.

Yufeng frowns tightly, but Muchen suddenly says, "Yao'er, do you mean there is another person behind them?"

"Yes, there are others."

"The man who hurt me in Baishan village."

At the same time, people's eyes were on Qiao Tianchang's body. Ning Mengyao was more surprised: "isn't it Xiao Qifeng who did it?"

Qiao Tianchang shook his head: "it's not him. I knew him almost from childhood. In the next eight or nine years, we spent every day together. I knew everything about him. Besides, the man who hurt me had a faint fragrance, like a floral smell, which Xiao Qifeng didn't have."

Ning Mengyao stared at Qiao Tianchang and said angrily, "why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I wonder why he admitted that the reason why I asked that question in the capital city was purely for testing."