Qiao Tianchang always felt that he knew Xiao Qifeng very well, but at this moment, he found that he did not know Xiao Qifeng very well.

All understanding was defeated in this moment, Qiao Tianchang found that he probably never knew Xiao Qifeng.

"Everyone needs to pay a price for his choice. Since Xiao Qifeng has done that, maybe he is ready for it." Ningmengyao didn't want to see Qiao Tianchang's depressed appearance, so she began to comfort him.

Qiao Tianchang forced out a smile that was not a smile: "Yaoyao, I know what you said. I knew it when I was in the capital."

Ning Mengyao takes a look at Qiao Tianchang and stops talking. Instead, they are unhappy: "Yao Er is caring about you."

"I know." How could ningmengyao not feel his concern? It's because I feel it that I don't want her to worry.

"Brother Qitian It's going to be okay, right? " Sitting on the edge listening to them all the time, Mu Xue, who didn't speak, suddenly looked at the crowd and asked nervously.

Mu Chen nodded: "don't worry, Xiao Qitian has the ability to protect himself. If he can't even do this, I will doubt his ability."

What else does Mu Xue want to say? Mei Ruolin interrupts her words: "Xueer, what you want to think now is to take care of your body and give birth to your child, not to think about what they don't have."

"But I'm worried about him." Although he made her sad when she left, muxue was still worried about what would happen to xiaoqitian.

"You talk, I'll see the little monkey." He stood up and walked upstairs.

Mu Xue looks at Ning Mengyao in amazement, and her eyes are hurt. She says, "Yao Er is still reluctant to forgive me, right?"

Muchen sighed: "we can't make any comments on Xueer, because it can only be solved by yourself. You need to change your position and think about it. If you are Yaoer, what would you do?"

If she was Yao'er, what would she do?

Mu xueleng looks at Mu Chen, and some of them don't respond. What does he mean.

"Yao'er can understand that you put Xiao Qitian in the first place, but can't understand that you cheated her, even for her good. Think about it for yourself. If you change the situation to Xiao Qitian, will you be angry after you are concealed by the most trusted person?" Muchen helplessly looks at her sister. How can she get pregnant? Her brain is still stupid.

This time, it can't blame Ning Mengyao. Xiao Qitian asked her to hide from Yao'er. She could do that, but what she was wrong was that she didn't take Yao'er's feelings into consideration.

The man lying in bed unconscious is her husband, and his best friend, together with others, deceives her. Even if they change it, they will feel uncomfortable. Even if they understand each other's feelings, they will have a knot in their heart.

Mu Xue listens to her brother's words, and her head is lower and lower. Indeed, if it is her, she may also be angry, and what she does may be more unacceptable than her.

She only thought that Xiao Qitian was her husband, but she didn't think that the man who thought her husband was seriously injured and comatose was Yao'er's husband.

"What should I do now?" During this period, although Ning Mengyao would still talk with her, the alienation in her tone was so obvious that she had a cool feeling.

"It depends on you." Ningmengyao's mind is already very impressive. Now she has so many ideas in her mind. It's a little difficult to restore their relationship.

Mu Xue looks at Mu Chen and says, "I can't help talking to her. She takes care of me, and she says she can understand me." But they just can't get back to the feeling they used to have.

As soon as the people on the edge heard her say such words, they immediately understood that in fact, Ning Mengyao was still angry, but did not show it.

Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. If he didn't say it was ok, he would have a headache when he said it.

Now people see that he has a good relationship with Ning Mengyao, but he still has to keep the empty room alone.