"You can rest assured that there will be no mistake in my work." The wind evil unbridled smile, only that smile some cold.

After Yu Feng went out, Mei Ruolin frowned: "how can it be like this?"

"Sister may, I can't believe it. She will really do that." This is the home of all of them. What does it mean to expose this place? It means that tongbaozhai is likely to be destroyed.

Merlin nodded. "I didn't expect that." Love is blind.

Mu Xue is thinking about how to leave this place, and Mu Chen also came here at this time.

He looked at Mu Xue and said, "you don't have to think about it. We have decided to let you forget about tongbaozhai. Then someone will send you back to qiwangfu."

"How can you help me decide?" Mu Xue is angry as soon as she hears it. It's her business. What can Mu Chen decide for her.

"Why? If you want to leave with the memory here, it's not impossible. When you arrive at the Qi palace, you will see the blood washed Qi palace. " The voice of the cold and evil wind is heard from the door.

Mu Xue looks at Yu Feng fiercely: "you threaten me?"

"You know my temper. Do you know if I threaten you? Don't let everyone's tolerance be taken for granted." Yu Feng looks at Mu Xue's cold mouth and says.

Mu Xue clenches her lips, just as Yu Feng said, as long as he says it, he will do it, no matter what price he pays.

Do you really want to leave like this? But she didn't like it.

"Mu Xue, you only have a quarter of an hour to think about it. Either you forget to leave or you can see the blood washed Prince Qi's mansion." Yu Feng looked down at his fingers and said lightly.

"Joe Tianchang won't let you do that."

Yufeng laughs: "after going through so many things, do you think he will put Xiaoyao's safety aside and help these people?" If it was Qiao Tianchang, he believed he would stop then, but now it's not the same.

After seeing the fear and fear of Ning Mengyao, Qiao Tianchang's balance had already been tilted.

"Well, I agree."

"Well, from now on, you have nothing to do with tongbaozhai." Yu Feng nodded, very satisfied.

Muchen looks at Yufeng: "Yufeng......"

"I don't need you to be nosy. You are the cause of my end. How satisfied are you?" Mu Xue looks at Mu Chen with hatred.

Muchen takes a look at muxue, and his eyes flash with obvious self mockery. He plans for her in a thousand ways, but what he gets at last is complaining.

"Muchen has already told you that this kind of person has no heart. If you give her a good heart, she will also be regarded as a donkey's liver and lung. Why do you have to?" When Yu Feng comes, he tells Mu Chen that this woman will not get his affection. He still doesn't believe it. Now the facts are in front of him. Does he believe it?

"You can deal with the matter of resisting the wind. I'm leaving." Muchen was really hurt by Muchen this time. He didn't look at Muchen, so he turned around and left. He stayed here. He was really afraid of what he would do.

Seeing Muchen leave, Yufeng turns around: "let's go."

Mu Xue looks at the Yu Feng with her back to her, tightly purses her lips, and tightly clenches her hands into fists. When Yu Feng doesn't find out, she hands: "you go to die."

When muxue's hand was about to meet with grace, a slender hand grabbed his wrist and a disdainful smile was on the corner of his mouth.

"Muxue, you seem to forget who taught your martial arts."

At the beginning, when Ning Mengyao was learning martial arts, he didn't want to teach Mu Xue, but at the end of the day, because of Ning Mengyao, he had to agree to teach him. He just didn't expect that this man would use his own martial arts to fight him now.

Mei Ruolin, with a gloomy face, walked to Yu Feng's side, raised her hand and slapped it on her face.

"Don't let me see you from now on. If you weren't pregnant now, I would have killed you." Even dare to fight against Yufeng, it's just looking for death.

Yu Feng looses Mu Xue's hand and puts his hand around meI Ruolin: "I'm ok, don't be angry."