The people who are still shouting, when they see him like this, their hearts turn cold for a moment, and they even step back subconsciously: "you How can you kill him? "

"How can't you? You are coming here, and the Lord has asked you to come? " Feng Xiao walked towards them step by step, the expression on his face was very cold.

"No No.

Of course, this is not what fengxiao demands, but what they want to follow.

Now that something's wrong, they want to find fengxiao to get justice. Fengxiao will naturally get angry.

What they think is right. Fengxiao is really angry. If something goes wrong, they don't want to solve it. They even want to fight in front of him. They even want to find their own troubles. In this case, he doesn't mind letting them see if he is really as talkative as they think.

Feng Xiao took a look at them, went to the first place and sat down: "in this case, then close your mouth, don't let the Buddha hear similar words, and, take care of your people, dead is not responsible."

When they heard this, their faces were livid, but because of fengxiao's pressure, they dared not say anything but nodded in silence.

After all the family members left, fengxiao's loyal subordinates came in: "Lord, no one has been found."

"If those people are so easy to find, they don't have to work hard to do these things." Feng Xiao is holding her chin with one hand, thoughtful.

He is really curious now. Where can those people find them now? They have already looked for them, but they still don't have any information, just like they have disappeared completely.

Yu Feng said to Feng Xiao, "I thought they would fight against each other first, but it's a pity that there's nothing. It's a good way to make an example."

It's the best choice to kill the toughest one and press back all the people who have just prepared to do it. I have to say that the man played a good game of chess.

Muchen rubbed his arm: "don't talk with such expression, goose bumps are up." Muchen said with a disgusted face.

Yu Feng takes a look at Mu Chen and says, "you'd better learn from this skill."

Being attacked by Yufeng, Muchen didn't mean to be angry at all, just looked at Yufeng and sat on the tree trunk without speaking.

"Are you going to keep playing?"

Yufeng smiled mysteriously: "it's a good way to play occasionally. If it's too many times, it's not good."

It's OK to use such a move once, many times, and the other party will definitely be able to detect the problem, which is not a good result.

"What are you going to do next?" Muchen did not pester, but asked.

"Well, then you will know." Yufeng smiled mysteriously, and the expression was in need of beating.

The news here, of course, was also received by Ning Mengyao. Looking at the news from Yu Feng, Ning Mengyao was greatly relieved. As long as he could hold people back, it would be good.

"What's the matter with Xiao Guo?" Qiao Tianchang sits beside Ning Mengyao and suddenly asks.

Ningmengyao's eyes were full of ridicule: "Xiao Qifeng occupied the shops belonging to tongbaozhai with the fastest speed. Now, one third of tongbaozhai shops in the territory of Xiaoguo have fallen into Xiao Qifeng's hands."

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao in silence. He knows that it's true, but he still can't believe it.

At this time, even want to deal with tongbaozhai, his heart is so big?

"Isn't Tianchang hard to imagine?" Ning Mengyao smiles at Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "it's hard to imagine that now Xiao Guo has so many troubles. Instead of dealing with them, he is busy robbing the shop of tongbaozhai." At last, Qiao Tianchang couldn't speak any more, and his voice was full of loss.

Ningmengyao went to Qiao Tianchang's side, reached out and held his cheek, with a little smile on his face: "Tianchang, you don't need this, people's desire is infinite."