Xiao Ren and others carefully check the traps in various places. There must be no mistakes.

After carefully checking all the places, I found that they were all in good condition, so I left with confidence. As soon as I walked out of the jungle, I saw Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang coming here.

Hurriedly waved to the crowd to leave, Xiao Ren went over: "what's the matter with you and your uncle, miss?"

"Nothing is to come and see what we can do for you." Ning Mengyao explained with a smile.

"It's OK. We can deal with it. It's just outside..."

"Don't worry, uncle Ren. There are people outside to help us. There won't be any problem." Although there is still some uncertainty in her heart, ningmengyao can only comfort herself, and it will be OK.

Xiao Ren could not help nodding when he thought of the other side's present appearance, because those people's sneak attack lightened a lot of burdens for them.

Ning Mengyao talked with Xiao Ren for a while and then left with Qiao Tianchang.

On the way back, Ning Mengyao frowned all the time: "Tianchang, you say where are they going?"

"I don't know. At this time, we can't move too much. It's not good to attract their attention." Although Qiao Tianchang also wanted to let people look for them, but now when they are sensitive, as long as they move too much, they will surely attract the attention of the other party, and then their whereabouts will be in the other party's eyes.

Ningmengyao naturally knows this in the end, but he is still very worried about xiaochengya. Baimo doesn't know where to take people.

When Ning Mengyao was worried about Xiao chenya, Xiao chenya was looking at Bai Mo with worried face: "are you ok?"

If Ning Mengyao was here at this time, he would not recognize the gentle white ink in front of him.

At this time, the white ink was in a mess, and his face was also dirty, not only that, but also with abnormal flush, which was obviously hot.

White ink tries to pull out a smile: "ya'er doesn't have to worry that I'm ok, but I'm involved in your suffering." They can't go out now. They can only wander in this place. They have nothing to eat or use. He has nothing to do with it. He just wants to be aggrieved by Xiao Chengya.

Xiao Chengya glanced at Bai Mo, and his eyes were full of discontent: "if you are saying this, I will be angry."

The reason why white ink can be hurt like this is to protect her. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't be like this. Now, if it's not for him, wouldn't it make her feel bad?

If you want to say that she is involved in Baimo, not Baimo.

White ink face with a little smile: "now we have no way to give Mengyao news, can only pray that her gap here is not right, immediately came."

"But Can Yao'er really do it? " Although we know that Ning Mengyao is powerful from Bai Mo's mouth, Xiao Chengya frowns and worries.

Gently nodding, Bai Mo patted Xiao Chengya's hand peacefully: "don't worry, Mengyao is very powerful, and there are so many powerful people around her, and Tianchang will be OK."

"I'm still worried. I'll find some herbs for you to reduce the fever. You can have a rest." Xiao said and left.

This place is only a small cave they found. Fortunately, there are no wild animals around, and there is water, so they won't become more embarrassed.

"Ya'er, no, I'm fine." Bai Mo is worried that something will happen to Xiao Chengya.

Xiao Chengya smiles at Bai Mo: "I'm ok, you know, I've studied medicine before." Although it's only half a drop, she can still find the herbs to reduce the fever.

White ink can't dissuade Xiao Chengya, so he can only watch her leave.

At this moment, Bai Mo hated himself so much. If his power was stronger, he would not let Xiao Chengya suffer with him.